Sept. 8th: Your Daily Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Today it’s time to roll up your sleeves! A Mars-Saturn trine tames Mars’s wild energy and creates a controlled pace that’s perfect for making things work and getting things done!

This is the perfect time for Cardinal Signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – to use your inborn force of personality to accomplish whatever you set your mind or body to. You’ll be able to make great use of your drive and ambition, but make sure you don’t steamroll over everyone else in the process!

For Fixed Signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – the tried and true path is the one for you. You’re not much on risk, anyway. If you have a difficult or intricate project, today’s planetary energy proves very supportive and provides the needed attention to detail.

If you’re a Mutable Sign – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces – you’re the one who always picks up on the subtle details, so you’ll feel like you have a superpower now! You’ll probably be mixing the old with the tried-and-tested to add an unexpected twist to whatever you choose to work on.

Taking a look at Thursday, a Mars-Jupiter square could make you overconfident as well as overly optimistic. Not a great time to make major decisions. Proceed with caution.

If it’s your birthday today or you know someone having a birthday today, the next year will offer you the opportunity to tap into your own huge potential. Investigate manifestation and visualization techniques to help you create the reality you want.

Be sure to like and comment on this video – let me know how your day’s going and remember to subscribe to this channel.

Tune in to for amazing insights every day! See you tomorrow.!