September 7 - 13 Weekly Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video. 

It’s a Cardinal kinda week, astrologically speaking. Cardinal, for those who don’t know already, is a “quality,” a way of expression – a style, so to speak. The term is derived from the start of a season, and so, its means initiation, beginnings, leadership, starting, generating. With five planets in Cardinal signs - Cancer, Capricorn and Aries – it’s the sorta week where you really wanna be at the helm, navigating your own ship and calling the shots.

Look out! Here comes a Mars Retrograde like no other! The planet of war, desire, conflict, and lust only goes Retrograde every two years or so — think back to the years 2018 and 2016, most recently, and what topics came up for you for at least half of those years. Were they challenging years? Were they rewarding or full of drama? Did you have more conflict, and did you find ways of resolving the conflict? Which areas of your life seem to have turned upside down and been more stressful for you, and what did you learn to put in place? These are the kinds of questions you can ask yourself once again as Mars does his backward dance again this year. Mars is, traditionally speaking, a “malefic” or unfavorable planet — the opposite of beneficial and sweet. Mars likes to fight, to divide, to conquer, to lose his temper. We all have a bit of Mars in our charts, and it’s up to us whether or not we learn to use this energy in a constructive or destructive way. In all things — Astrology included — you have a choice. Free will is important! So, while the rest of the world might start crashing and burning, what can you do to manage the intensely fiery vibes? How can you healthily assert yourself, not give into fear, and draw a line at the same time? Mars is strong in his home and the sign of Aries. Many of us will be feeling a “call to war” — which is to say, a call to fighting for what we believe is right for us. That may mean going solo in your career, your relationships, or anywhere else — or being the captain of your own ship. Be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water, as things may get very tense, especially if we meet obstacles, authority, or limits.

On the other, lighter side of things, Jupiter, planet of abundance, joy, and fortune, goes Direct in Capricorn and slowly starts edging his way forward. He won’t go Retrograde in Capricorn again which can be a relief. He’s not all that happy in this pragmatic and realistic sign, and we’ve all had to “make our fortunes” in ways that adhered to the rules. Things may start moving forward in terms of career and work, after what’s been — and still is — a powerfully intense year in which all of our personal and collective structures have been questioned. Personally, the Sun is trining Jupiter this week, bringing a sense of grounded abundance — a that feeling that we can do anything, as long as it’s got a good foundation. The Sun will then oppose Neptune, so it’ll be important to not get swept up in any fantasy and to listen to the rules that Jupiter in an earth sign is trying to teach us!

#ARIES #AriesHoroscope

Oh, Aries! Your ruler shifts into Retrograde in your own sign this week, which spells big things for you — a chance to start doing things your way!

#TAURUS #TaurusHoroscope

You’re progressing nicely at the moment, Taurus. Don’t allow love issues, or a pesky Mars Retrograde, to undo all the good work you’ve done up until now.

#GEMINI #GeminiHoroscope

Keep your ears and eye open for fraud, Gemini. Things are not what they seem, no matter how sweetly the words are all wrapped up.

#CANCER #CancerHoroscope

Jupiter goes Direct in your relationship zone, offering opportunity for renewed growth in your close connections, Cancer. And Mars? Career trouble is heading your way. Prepare yourself.

#LEO #LeoHoroscope

Mars Retrograde will put some plans you’ve got going on hold, Leo – particularly study or travel plans. Try not to lose your cool and find the lesson in it.

#VIRGO #VirgoHoroscope

Tension comes up in your relationship this week, Virgo – it’s an ongoing experience where you have to learn to draw the line. Listen to your gut, not your head. 

#LIBRA #LibraHoroscope

This Mars Retrograde happens directly in your love zone, Libra. Uh-oh! It’s time to review things – have you been asserting yourself and your needs? Probably not.

#SCORPIO #ScorpioHoroscope

Mars is your co-ruler, Scorpio, which means that this Retrograde is going to nail you. Where? Your health. Refine, Scorpio, and take control. You have the power.  

#SAGITTARIUS #SagittariusHoroscope

Your ruler, Jupiter, goes Direct this week in our financial sector, Sagittarius. The joy! While abundance doesn’t exactly flow, it can get better. Just stick to the rules.

#CAPRICORN #CapricornHoroscope

Conflict at home is coming your way, Capricorn, whether with your landlord, roomie, family, or partner. It might be time to make a much-needed change.

#AQUARIUS #AquariusHoroscope

You can be provocative, Aquarius. You are an activist, after all. Things go to a whole new level with this Mars Retrograde. Watch your tongue, darling.

#PISCES #PiscesHoroscope

Is it you? Or is it them? It’s hard to tell this week, and the advice is to wait for the smoke to clear before you decide anything.

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