September Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the month ahead and a monthly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each month to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your month’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video. 

The silver lining in what otherwise could be quite an emotionally-charged kind of month is the fact that the “family” of Eclipses in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn are finally, at long last, coming to an end! The major events over the last two years have been mainly focused on the themes of these two signs, which are essentially themes of security, safety, and structure.

There’s big news this month. Very big news. Usually, the month of September is the month of sweet, sweet love — it’s Libra season, after all, and that is the quintessential love sign. All would be well, except for one little thing — one big thing, actually. The war planet, Mars, goes Retrograde, and when he goes backwards, chaos ensues. It only happens every 2 years or so, but those years (think 2018, 2016) are usually a tad rough-and-tumble, at least for those of us who are Mars-sensitive (Aries and Scorpio Moon, Sun or Rising signs especially. Sorry guys!). However, as with all Retrograde periods, it’s always — always — a chance to review, revise, renew, and refresh. Sure, there will be moments of aggression, deep frustration, and anger — after all, the war god does not like to be thwarted in his efforts — but if we look a little deeper, perhaps you can see that all that anger is covering up a deeper feeling. Perhaps a feeling of fear (very common), hurt, or even grief. Mars Retrograde periods de-armor you so that you stand in your vulnerability and learn to ask for help, to lower your weapons and put aside your feelings so that destruction doesn’t fly through your relationships, work, or family. Fortunately, Libra Season (i.e. the Sun moving into Libra along with Mercury), offers the chance to compromise and work together, alongside going solo where you need to. Don’t be surprised if some relationships fall apart, but also don’t, under any circumstances, think that things are going to stay this way. Once they are over, Retrogrades are notorious for returning right back to a state of peace and calm, and you don’t want to be sitting with a bad decision, do you?

Luckily, a strong Sun in Virgo casting gentle aspects to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto for much of the month sets you up for any battles, and lends you a sense of groundedness, rootedness, and self-assurance that helps you to navigate the next few tricky months until year’s end. Despite the drama that might be going on around you in September, you could feel rather steady on your feet and there’s a sense of level-headedness around all the fire and heat. Maybe your relationships or career are going upside down, but at least you aren’t, right? You’ll have to watch your words however, as Mercury, planet of communication, makes a few trickier aspects when he moves into Libra, stumbling over negotiations and perhaps mistakenly landing you in conversations which end up being a power struggle. Remember, it’s all transitory — that’s the beauty of Astrology. It shows the beginning, middle, and end to a story, and helps you to have a bit of a roadmap ahead of you. It’s not meant to scare you, honey — you’ve got this. Besides that, Saturn and Jupiter are finally moving direct and will, over the next few months, move away from stem Capricorn and into free-spirited Aquarius. There’s so much to look forward to!

#ARIES #AriesHoroscope

Relationships are front and center for you this month, Aries, especially with Mars, your ruler, going Retrograde in your sign. Don’t be reckless, darling.

#TAURUS #TaurusHoroscope

Your ruler, lovely Venus, shifts into warm Leo and into your nesting zone. However, domestic upsets could mar her visit, and some bridges may have to be mended.

#GEMINI #GeminiHoroscope

Mercury in Libra gives you even more of the gift of gabbing, but watch that talks don’t become ugly—especially when it comes to work. Go gently, Gemini.

#CANCER #CancerHoroscope

Saturn and Jupiter move direct in your relationship sector, Cancer, reflecting immense commitment and growth. A Full Moon in gentle Pisces opens up avenues for forgiveness.

#LEO #LeoHoroscope

Travel plans or topics around education take a basket with Mars Retrograde, Leo, and you’ll be feeling more than a little frustrated. Where can you re-work things?

#VIRGO #VirgoHoroscope

A New Moon in your sign spells new beginnings, dear Virgo. What can you cast off to make room for a new you—a better, healthier, happier you?

#LIBRA #LibraHoroscope

It’s your season, Libra, though the Mars Retrograde may have you uncharacteristically volatile and snappy, especially with your sweetheart. Maybe it’s time to look at better ways of self-assertion.

#SCORPIO #ScorpioHoroscope

A Full Moon brings matters of the heart to a close—for better or worse. Remember that the professional relationships you form now could take you far.

#SAGITTARIUS #SagittariusHoroscope

Personal growth is on the cards this month, Sagittarius, and you’re feeling very expansive indeed! A New Moon opens a very exciting door—will you walk through?

#CAPRICORN #CapricornHoroscope

Saturn and Jupiter start moving direct in your sign, Capricorn, giving you the impetus to move forward and make greater strides, professionally and personally. Don’t lose your cool.

#AQUARIUS #AquariusHoroscope

Self-worth comes trickling back as Saturn and Jupiter move direct behind the scenes and a gentle Pisces Full Moon shines a light on your authenticity. Love yourself, Aquarius.

#PISCES #PiscesHoroscope

A Full Moon in Pisces brings a relationship issue to a close—it’s time to let go and move on, whether from a grudge or toxic relationship. Reclaim your self-worth.

#MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #September #astrology #zodiac