Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | April 12 - 18 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for February April 12 - 18. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR April 12 - 18 Venus arrives in sensual Taurus on Wednesday this week, sending out comforting vibes and encouraging us all to do or have just a little bit of whatever we fancy.   It’s Friday, however, which is the key day of the week in astrology. This sees Mars in communicative Gemini trine can-do Jupiter in humanitarian Aquarius, creating a hugely uplifting and positive atmosphere.   The very same day, the Sun squares up to Pluto, pitting the sheer will and power of the Aries Sun against Pluto in Capricorn, representing the powers that be and the status quo. It’s certainly a very good week in astrology for people power.   Harnessing Friday’s energies could lead to social change or demonstrations on the world stage, as well as a positive change in our personal lives.   ARIES   It’s a very intelligent, thought-driven week for you, Aries. Venus’ arrival in your values zone sets you thinking about what truly matters to you – and you may discover that you have more to be grateful for than you realized.   The Mars-Jupiter trine on Friday is about bringing idealistic concepts to life, through the power of communication and marketing – definitely an inspirational day if you work in these kinds of fields.   Meanwhile, the Sun-Pluto square, also on Friday, warns you against identifying yourself solely by what you do for a living. You are more than just your job, so don’t stress out if your career isn’t yet quite what you had hoped.   TAURUS   The arrival of Venus in your sign on Wednesday boosts your charm and your social skills to no end, making this a very good week for finding new friendships. In love too, this influence attracts lots of attention – you are an emotional open book at the moment, but this can make you feel vulnerable when dating.   Friday’s inspirational Mars-Jupiter trine is fantastic news for your career and working life, bringing new opportunities and lucrative possibilities.   The Sun’s square to Pluto on the same day, however, does caution you to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Don’t get so carried away with idealism or grand visions that you neglect to take care of the issues staring you in the face.   GEMINI   When Venus moves into your spiritual zone on Wednesday, Gemini, you’ll crave some peace and solitude, so don’t be surprised if you feel less sociable than normal. It’s fine to take some time out or to turn down invitations – even Geminis are allowed some quiet time!   Your desire for the quiet life won’t last long, however – by the time Mars trines Jupiter on Friday, you will be yearning for adventure once again; indeed, this very positive influence points toward travel opportunities that will bring you huge satisfaction.   Watch out for uncomfortable advice from a friend on an intimate matter on Friday, when the Sun squares Pluto. As much as you don’t want to hear it, he or she probably has a very valid point.   CANCER   With Venus arriving in your social zone on Wednesday, Cancer, it goes without saying that you’ll feel open, friendly and keen to mix with people for much of this week.   In fact, there are positive indications that you may be finally able to get over some trauma from your past – Friday’s Mars-Jupiter trine is a very personal one for you, and hints at positive psychological processing of something which was once hidden. Don’t forget about the power of forgiveness.   The Sun-Pluto square on Friday is slightly uncomfortable for you, however, and it relates to your work-life balance. Expect some cross words from your partner if you are tied up with work issues – be sure that your expectations of one another are fair.   LEO   Venus shifts into your status zone on Wednesday, which is an interesting placement – on the one hand, it makes it easier for you to charm your way ahead at work, but on the other, it does create quite a snobbish vibe around you.   Watch out for this on Friday, when Mars trines Jupiter. Although this positive aspect enhances both your friendships and your love life, there is an undertone of you perhaps using people to climb the social ladder. Check your motives when you are meeting and schmoozing new associates.   The Sun-Pluto square, also on Friday, urges you to not forget the details while you’re plotting grand plans. If you don’t get the day to day basics right, your ideas simply won’t take off.   VIRGO   Venus’ arrival in your travel zone on Wednesday opens up all kinds of lovely possibilities – including a potential romance while on vacation, if you’re single. Take up any educational opportunity this week too, as this is another avenue for potential love.   Career-wise, you’re on a roll. On Friday, Mars in your ambitions zone trines Jupiter in your everyday work zone – the stage is set for a grand work-based success; a triumph, a promotion of some kind, or some recognition of your exceptional hard work.   Love is still in the spotlight at the end of the week too, courtesy of the Sun-Pluto trine which activates your intimacy zone and your dating zone. Be careful of someone charming who could turn out to be a master manipulator.   LIBRA   Venus shifts into your intimacy zone this week, so you’ll want lots of privacy with your special someone for sure.   This is helpful, because later in the week, your relationship may come under extreme pressure – on Friday, when the Sun squares Pluto, you can expect a power struggle between your family and your sweetheart. This kind of thing does nobody any favors, but you may struggle to nip it in the bud.   Away from love, look to Friday for a major opportunity to upskill in some way at work. Gaining a new qualification may be a risk, especially given how much hard work it involves, but the Mars-Jupiter trine suggests that it would definitely be to your advantage.   SCORPIO   Focus on your love life this week. With Venus moving into your love zone on Wednesday, it will probably be difficult for you to think about anything else! This is a deeply sensual and emotional vibe, which touches your very soul.   Friday’s Mars-Jupiter trine is also laser-focused on your love life, promising that karmic links between the two of you can be explored, understood and deepened. This could be a magical time to be in love, especially with someone relatively new.   You may be so wrapped up in your relationship that other things suffer this week, however. Look out in particular for forgetfulness or poorly laid plans on Friday, when the Sun squares up to Pluto from your everyday tasks zone.   SAGITTARIUS   Relationships with colleagues get a boost this week as Venus arrives in your everyday work zone. This area of your chart also refers to your health, Sagittarius, so a calming, soothing vibe should do wonders for your stress levels.   Friday’s Mars-Jupiter trine will also help, as this creates a very loving vibe in your closest relationship. New channels of communication open up, helping you both to see eye to eye in a whole new way.   This influence can be healing for a relationship that has been struggling. However, the very same day the Sun squares up to Pluto. Be sure that jealousy or excess flirting doesn’t threaten the emotional security between you and your partner.   CAPRICORN   This should be a feel-good week for sure. With Venus moving into your joy zone on Wednesday, it’s time to enjoy yourself. Make a deliberate effort to do more – much more – of whatever makes you smile the most.   There should be some very good news workwise towards the end of the week too, especially when Mars trines Jupiter on Friday. This influence connects your everyday work zone to your money zone, so your income is likely to be expanding, perhaps through enjoyable new side hustles.   Be sure to include your family in any fun plans you make for the week. The Sun-Pluto square, also on Friday, hints that someone may feel left out as you celebrate your good fortune.   AQUARIUS   Family matters get a real boost from the arrival of Venus in your home zone on Wednesday. Difficult relatives become easier to deal with, and peace – of sorts – descends upon the family. Enjoy it while it lasts!   There’s also a highly creative vibe in operation this week, especially on Friday when Mars trines Jupiter. Ideas you’ve had can be successfully brought to life now, growing your confidence and your reputation.   Look out for hidden doubts on Friday though. The Sun-Pluto square hints that you may be your own worst enemy at this time, allowing second-guessing and a nagging inner voice to hinder your success.   PISCES   This is a very good week for opening up to other people and sharing your feelings. With Venus moving into your communication zone on Wednesday, that should become easier.   If you’ve had any kind of talking therapy recently, this week should start to show results. On Friday in particular, when Mars trines Jupiter, you may find yourself able to release old trauma, forgive old foes and move forward with greater happiness and acceptance.   Be slightly cautious about accepting advice from a friend late in the week, however. Although they mean well, the Sun-Pluto square suggests that you are better off keeping your own counsel.     Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Gratitude is a powerful emotion this week. It’s an especially fortunate time for anyone working in communications or marketing.   TAURUS New friendships and new career opportunities are both highly likely this week, but it’s important to keep your feet on the ground.   GEMINI A quiet start to the week gives way to a sense of adventure and freedom later – with travel beckoning from Friday onwards.   CANCER The power of forgiveness makes this a very healing week for you, especially if you have had to deal with any kind of trauma.   LEO Your career and social influence are growing exponentially but do be careful not to simply use people for your own ends.   VIRGO This week’s Mars-Jupiter trine heralds a triumph at work, and with joy in your love life too it’s set to be a memorable time.   LIBRA   Grab training opportunities with both hands this week. In love, there could be discord between your family and your partner.   SCORPIO   A truly magical week for your love life finds you struggling to focus on anything else – you may need help with the everyday chores and details!   SAGITTARIUS   It’s a gentle, loving and healing week for a special relationship. Relationships with your colleagues at work should also improve too.   CAPRICORN   Good news about money comes just in time for you to enjoy yourself – spend more time on your favorite hobbies and leisure pursuits.   AQUARIUS   Creative ideas at work show your brilliance, but your own self-doubt could sabotage your success if you’re not careful.   PISCES   It’s an excellent week for being open about how you feel; loving communication in a relationship can do a lot to help patch up old wounds. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. 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