Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | April 19 - 25 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for April 19 - 25. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR April 19 - 25 This is a busy astrological week, starting with both the Sun and Mercury moving into stable, cautious Taurus on Monday. The following day, Venus conjuncts unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, potentially bringing shocks in love and/or money.   The major energy shift this week, however, comes on Friday, when Mars leaves happy-go-lucky Gemini and enters sensitive Cancer – a position that traditionally leads to passive-aggressive behavior. Moods are likely to be erratic in this latter part of the week.   Sunday has a structured, calm, focused vibe, with Saturn squaring up to both Mercury and Venus, imposing a settled end to the week without unnecessary emotional distractions.   ARIES   Focusing on what you value will be productive this week, Aries – and not only material values, either. Move beyond money and give your attention to the things that truly matter.   When Mars moves into your family zone on Friday, you’ll find property and domestic matters moving quickly, whether you like it or not.   There may also be raised tempers within the home, Aries, but on the plus side this is a good time for a heart to heart talk. Getting emotions out into the open will be helpful.   Over the weekend, look carefully at your budget. Can you tweak it to allow progress towards some of your more expensive ambitions?   TAURUS   This is quite a powerhouse of a week for you, with the Sun and Mercury both moving into your sign on Monday. You can now showcase the very best of Taurus, with your hard work, dependability and loyalty on full display. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in your sign on Tuesday would be perfect for a romantic surprise.   There may be some cross words spoken later in the week, however, especially when Mars moves into your communication zone on Friday.   Sunday’s Venus/Mercury square with Saturn is a good moment to plan ahead for your future career progress. Where do you want to be this time next year, Taurus?   GEMINI   Take a quiet few days at the beginning of the week, Gemini. The Sun and Mercury move into your spiritual zone and encourage rest, downtime and quiet contemplation, so withdraw from the hustle and bustle if you can.   Save your energy for the arrival of Mars into your abundance zone on Friday. This is a fantastic opportunity for growing your income or for manifesting your own preferred reality.   Set clear objectives for yourself over the weekend, however, as otherwise the Mercury/Venus squares to Saturn will be confusing and counterproductive. It’s important to know where you’re going, before you try to follow a map.   CANCER   You can expect to feel quite sociable early on this week, with the Sun and Mercury both moving into your friendships zone. It’s a good period for finding your ‘tribe’ and for getting close to people who share your interests and values.   The big shift of the week for you, however, is on Friday, when Mars moves into your own sign. This brings a huge upswing in energy and enthusiasm for you, so capitalize on this by planning big projects for the days that follow.   The weekend is also a good time for working out how to pay your debts – not your financial ones, but your moral or emotional ones. With Mercury and Venus both squaring Saturn, practical possibilities abound – use them to repay someone’s kindness.   LEO   Career matters are on your mind as the working week begins, Leo, especially with both the Sun and Mercury moving into your career zone. Ambitions are running high, and why not? This is a good time for interviews or job search activities.   Be aware, however, that when Mars moves into your spiritual zone on Friday, you may start to question the very value of what you do for a living. This Mars transit urges you to live your authentic life purpose and creates stress and tension if you are not doing so.   Look out particularly for stress in your relationship during Sunday’s Mercury/Venus squares to Saturn – this suggests discord with your lover if your career ambitions are standing in the way of love.   VIRGO   Fair play of all kinds is high up your agenda this week. From sorting out personal scores to campaigning against injustice of some kind, you are boosted early in the week by the arrival of the Sun and Mercury in your justice zone.   On Friday, when Mars moves into your humanitarian zone, you may find yourself even more driven to make a difference, Virgo. This is a very good moment to commit to any kind of fundraising challenge or to work out how you can use your talents for the good of the world.   Be aware, however, that if you are studying you may struggle a little over the weekend. Sunday’s Mercury/Venus squares to Saturn create too many distractions.   LIBRA   This looks set to be an emotional and quite sensitive week for you, Libra. The Sun and Mercury shift into your intimacy zone – on the one hand, this bodes well for your relationship, but these emotions are strong and swirling, and there could be conflict on the horizon.   Later in the week, your focus shifts firmly towards your career, with the arrival of Mars in your ambitions zone. This provides a huge burst of enthusiasm and determination, so set your sights high and do not be distracted.   Over the weekend, watch out for jealousy, suspicion and emotional manipulation. Venus and Mercury in your flirting and dating zone are in direct conflict with serious Saturn in your intimacy zone.   SCORPIO   With the Sun and Mercury joining Venus in your love zone on Monday, the first part of the week looks to be enjoyable, loving and relatively calm – although the Venus-Uranus conjunction on Tuesday could bring an interlude of drama.   This relatively solid and stable emotional base gives you the breathing space to look around at other tasks. You’ll find yourself drawn to education, qualifications and studying on Friday when Mars arrives in your higher education zone – this would be an excellent time to sign up for a course.   Over the weekend, be careful not to stir up previously settled family conflicts. With Mercury and Venus both square Saturn, there’s a risk of re-opening old wounds.   SAGITTARIUS   The Sun and Mercury join Venus in your everyday work zone on Monday, making this a good week for simply “getting stuff done”. Catch up on your to-do list while these helpful energies are in play.   Expect to feel unusually emotional on Friday, however. When Mars arrives in your mysteries zone, your psychic abilities are activated but you find this an unsettling experience. This area of your chart also governs passion and intimacy, so a love affair may take a very torrid turn.   Sunday’s Mercury/Venus squares to Saturn highlight the importance of staying organized. If you lose track of where you are in a project, chaos could ensue.   CAPRICORN   Get set for a loving and largely light-hearted week. The Sun and Mercury both move into your joy zone on Monday, encouraging you to indulge your creative streak and to enjoy your hobbies and past-times.   This is also quite a flirtatious vibe, if you are single (or even if you are not!) – and with Mars arriving in your love zone on Friday, it’s likely that you’ll attract quite a lot of attention from potential partners.   Be careful with this over the weekend. Sunday’s Mercury/Venus squares to Saturn suggest that your desires may threaten the stability you’ve worked so hard to create.   AQUARIUS   Exploring your past holds great appeal this week, especially with the Sun and Mercury arriving in your past zone on Monday. Links with your ancestors can be both fascinating and spiritually nourishing.   Prepare for a busy end to the week – Mars moves into your everyday work zone on Friday, encouraging you to tie up loose ends and start major new projects. Be careful not to take on more than you can reasonably handle, because the risk of burnout is high.   Meanwhile, Sunday’s squares from Mercury and Venus to Saturn are another hint that you may be living and breathing your past for a little while. Someone or something from the past turns up again – for better or for worse.   PISCES   Keep your mind busy and active this week. Boredom is a real risk, especially with the Sun and Mercury both arriving in your intelligence zone on Monday. Learn, research, do puzzles and quizzes, debate with friends – anything to keep your mind sharp.   Mars moves into your creative zone on Friday, bringing you a burst of ideas and inspiration. This would be a fantastic time to create art, to write your novel or to showcase your dance and acting skills. You are driven to create, so give in to that drive and enjoy it!   Over the weekend, the squares to Saturn from Mercury and Venus warn of burnout if you try to take on too much, however. Ensure that you get enough sleep and remember – you can always delegate. Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Examine your budget carefully. At home, letting people get their emotions out into the open is no bad thing.   TAURUS Romance and possibly anger share the spotlight, but the weekend proves to a helpful time for career planning.   GEMINI Mars arrives in your abundance zone, driving you to manifest your own reality. A very empowering week, with lots of potential.   CANCER Mars’ arrival in Cancer boosts your energy and your drive. Plan big projects but remember to pay your emotional debts.   LEO Ambitions run high and it’s a very good week for job hunting and interview – but are you sure your career matches your authentic purpose?   VIRGO Mars drives you to create positive change; a very good week for campaigning and for being involved with social justice.   LIBRA Mars thrives in your ambitious career zone this week, but watch out for jealousy, suspicion and manipulation in your love life.   SCORPIO There’s a focus on study and learning this week, although the weekend brings some potential re-opening of old family wounds.   SAGITTARIUS It’s a week of unsettling emotions for you. Stay organized at work or your emotions may distract you.   CAPRICORN Enjoy a very flirtatious and fun-loving week but do be aware that a partner may be intensely jealous.   AQUARIUS There are strong links to the past this week, perhaps with something unfinished returning to demand your attention.   PISCES Mars arrives in your creative zone this week – enjoy arts, crafts, writing and music as your key to self-expression. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/