Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | April 26 - May 2 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for April 26 - May 2. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR April 26 - May 2 Much of this week is colored by the intense emotions of the Scorpio Full Moon on Monday. This is Scorpio energy in its most fixed, purposeful mode and the determination brought by this Full Moon is almost palpable. This charts the course for the week until Friday, when a conjunction between the Sun and Uranus introduces a wild card element. Disruptive but for the higher good, this aspect brings shocks and surprises for the status quo. The following day, Mercury trines Pluto, proving that where there is a will, there is a way – this intelligent energy is especially good for challenging authority. It’s also constructive, although it may initially feel as if things are being torn down.   ARIES Financially, the Full Moon stirs up a wealth of emotions for you, Aries. You may feel very possessive about your material wealth, and unwilling to help someone else. Alternatively, it could be that others are demanding repayment of debts. Either way, money is sure to be a touchy topic this week. The Sun-Uranus conjunction also impacts your money zone and could be the shock you need for a whole soul financial re-think. Think about how your career options may expand if you weren’t so financially tied down. Saturday’s Mercury-Pluto trine is good for showing you what might be, could be, should be in this regard.   TAURUS The Full Moon in your love zone stirs up a host of emotions – all of them passionate and tumultuous, not all of them necessarily enjoyable. Expect to feel intensely jealous or possessive of a lover, even if you have no real grounds to feel suspicious. This energy can be very full-on, and it could lead to a lot of unnecessary angst in your relationship. Try not to over-react, even if you feel provoked. Friday’s Sun-Uranus conjunction in your own zodiac sign speaks of rash, impulsive action when your ego feels threatened – but again, try very hard to count to ten before doing anything you cannot later undo. Saturday’s Mercury-Pluto trine will ease the pressure, showing you a better, more philosophical way to handle your emotions.   GEMINI Intense emotions during the Full Moon center on your own health and wellbeing, or perhaps that of a pet. Stressing out will achieve nothing – what’s needed is a dose of calm reflection and some practical decisions. You are worrying over nothing much. If you can stay calm, all will be well. On Friday, expect some sudden spiritual insight as the Sun conjuncts Uranus in your spiritual zone. This may be a sudden realization of psychic talents, or perhaps even an unsettling paranormal encounter. Whatever it is, it gives you great food for thought and this is reflected in the thoughtful Mercury-Pluto trine on Saturday. Not everything can be explained away rationally.   CANCER The culmination of a creative project brings you great satisfaction around the Full Moon on Monday, but issues with your children, even if they are now adults, may build up the emotional intensity. Try not to let worry or stress cloud your week. Taking an objective look at reality will help – things are never really as bad as you fear. On Friday, the Sun-Uranus conjunction falls in your objectivity zone, so you can expect a breakthrough in your understanding of your situation. Saturday’s Mercury-Pluto trine is very helpful if you’re actively seeking friendships or building up a social circle. Ideas flow easily and companionship is good.   LEO Family matters may come to a head during Monday’s Full Moon, with some seriously intense emotions on all sides. This may not be an easy period, but in your heart, you know that it is necessary, in order to clear the air and make a fresh start. Hang on in there. Away from your private life, it’s your public life under scrutiny during Friday’s Sun-Uranus conjunction. This puts you in the spotlight, probably out of the blue, and demands that you react professionally to a crisis. Fortunately, you are well equipped to do so. The following day, Mercury trines Pluto, showing that your clever thinking and original ideas have impressed the powers that be. Good news could well be on the way in your job.   VIRGO Burnout may arrive early this week, right on cue with the emotionally intense Scorpio Full Moon on Monday. You are being pulled in all directions and frankly you’ve had enough. Take some time out. Step away from the rollercoaster and let the world turn without you for a day or two. Later, on Friday, the Sun-Uranus conjunction may reveal an out of the blue travel opportunity, which you will want to seize with both hands. Indeed, travel is something of a theme at the end of the week, with Saturday’s Mercury-Pluto trine also hinting that travel could bring adventure, freedom and even love.   LIBRA Monday’s Full Moon is in your money zone and may well bring a boost to your income – but at a cost, most likely to your work-life balance. Expect a difficult decision, with no right and wrong answers. Later in the week, when the Sun conjuncts Uranus, you may second guess the choices you made at Full Moon. This is especially likely if you have been in debt recently or are struggling financially. Hold to your original thought. You don’t need as much money as you think you do. On Saturday, when Mercury tries Pluto, you may get an unexpected offer of help from within the family – don’t be afraid to take it.   SCORPIO A Full Moon in your own sign is your cue to take a good look at who you are, how far you’ve come and whether your life’s journey so far feels authentic – and what you can do about it if it doesn’t. Expect to feel highly emotional and easily moved, both to tears and to laughter. This is raw Scorpio energy and of course you feel it more than anyone else. Look to your sweetheart for support, but don’t necessarily expect them to back you in the traditional way. A romantic shock or surprise on Friday, when the Sun conjuncts Uranus, should set your mind at rest. Saturday’s Mercury-Pluto trine encourages you and your lover to share ideas, schemes and visions.   SAGITTARIUS Got secrets? Be prepared for Monday’s Full Moon to expose them, or at least to make you feel very uncomfortable about them. It may be to your benefit to reveal the truth yourself, before you are backed into a corner. Friday’s Sun-Uranus conjunction occurs in your everyday work zone and could signal important news in your career. It may come as a shock or feel like an unwelcome development but try to maintain an open mind – this may very well turn out to be a good thing. On Saturday, look out for an opportunity to increase your income, courtesy of the helpful Mercury-Pluto trine.   CAPRICORN Expect some drama in your social life around the time of Monday’s Full Moon. The emotions are unusually full-on for you, and you may find it difficult to focus on anything else. However, Friday’s Sun-Uranus conjunction brings you back down to earth and provides a shock or a surprise that brings you joy. This happy news comes out of the blue but definitely puts a smile on your face. The following day, Mercury’s trine to Pluto also boosts your feel-good factor, particularly as it allows you to ‘win’ against an authority figure of some kind.    AQUARIUS Monday’s Full Moon occurs in your career zone and speaks to career success, promotion or perhaps other, less welcome drama. Either way, it’s set to be an eye-opening week at work, with revelations and secrets coming out. Away from work, try to focus more on your home life this week. Friday’s Sun-Uranus square points towards happy family news, so there is something to celebrate – even if it does come as a shock. The following day, the Mercury-Pluto trine is all about discovering your past and empowering yourself through knowledge of what your forebears went through. Genealogy can be surprisingly uplifting.   PISCES Expect a crisis of faith around the time of Monday’s Full Moon. Even if you are not religious, something you firmly believe in – a principle of some kind – is being wildly challenged, which makes you deeply uncomfortable. You would like to speak up to defend your beliefs, but communication may be a struggle initially. Look to Friday, and the useful Sun-Uranus conjunction, for a boost to your speaking skills, enabling you to get out the words you’ve been longing to say. You may have to accept that you have been wrong on some counts, however. Saturday’s Mercury-Pluto trine may reveal this, so objectivity is necessary – don’t beat yourself up if you were misled.   Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Money is an intensely touchy topic this week, no matter how much or how little you have. You do have options though, as the weekend reveals.   TAURUS Jealousy, bitterness and resentment are stirred up by the Full Moon, but if you can put your ego to one side, you will quickly feel better.   GEMINI Health and spirituality are your zodiac sign's main concerns this week, and you may find that the Full Moon stirs up stress over both of these issues.   CANCER Creatively, you’re on a roll. However, anxieties about children – even grown-up ones – may be clouding your week.   LEO Intense family matters and a drama at work make for an edgy week. Keep your cool and find the positives.   VIRGO You may be feeling exhausted and at the end of your tether, but this week brings opportunities to travel which you won’t want to miss.   LIBRA A boost to your income is in the cards, but only at a cost to your personal or family life. Work out your priorities carefully.   SCORPIO Expect to feel easily moved, both to tears and to laughter. The Scorpio Full Moon turns your intensity dial up to the max.   SAGITTARIUS Secrets may be revealed during the Full Moon, and there could be dramatic news at work too. Stay calm – it could be good news.   CAPRICORN Friendships are likely to be tumultuous during the Full Moon period, but a sudden burst of happy news makes up for all that.   AQUARIUS There’s a focus on your career during the Full Moon, but your family life is also important this week: don’t neglect your loved ones.   PISCES The Full Moon brings a crisis of faith, but you can learn a great deal from this – it’s time to grow, spiritually speaking.   GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/