Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | April 5 - 11 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for April 5 - 11. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR April 5 - 11 We start this week in quite a feel-good, cooperative mood, with a helpful Venus-Mars sextile on Tuesday which encourages good personal interactions and a friendly, sociable vibe across society.    Heading further in, however, a lazy and energy-sapping Mars-Neptune square on Friday makes it difficult to find motivation. Details are vague and confusion is ripe. Taking time out for meditation, daydreaming or even actual dreaming – try a cat nap! – might help.   Sunday’s bold New Moon in Aries marks a change of tone, however, and the end of the week is a great time for new plans, a fresh start and a courageous stance against an ongoing problem.     ARIES   Don’t be surprised if you feel a little bit ‘out of it’ for much of this week. Your words aren’t coming out quite as you intended, and there’s a lot of confusion around, so mistakes are easily made.   Get plenty of sleep mid-week and make a point of catching up on downtime if you need some peace and privacy. You could do with saving up some energy ahead of Sunday’s New Moon in your own sign. Prayer, meditation and dreamwork will all help you feel more centered.   When that does arrive, prepare for a sudden upswing in energy – your motivation and enthusiasm is about to return, big time.   TAURUS   Friendships could be difficult this week, Taurus, particularly if there is a large gap in money or social status between you. Someone may feel left out, or as if you are not bothering with them, despite your best intentions.   Tuesday is a good day for clearing the air in this regard, but resentments may linger.   Towards the end of the week, expect to feel tired and a little stressed. The New Moon on Sunday falls in your spiritual and privacy zone, so turn down invitations and spend a cozy weekend curled up with your nearest and dearest.   This is also an ideal time for manifestation and positive visualizations.   GEMINI   The problem with goals this week is that they keep shifting, Gemini. Your priorities are changing, and your objectives are changing too, so it’s very tricky for you to know whether you’re on the right track or not.   When Mars squares Neptune on Friday, you may feel lost, career-wise, but don’t panic. There is always time to change your mind.   Sunday’s New Moon has a very humanitarian vibe for you, so if you’re thinking of moving into this kind of career field, now is an excellent time to begin.   Be bold, be courageous, and be innovative – don’t tread the same path you’ve always trodden before.   CANCER   Your dreams have a lot to teach you this week, Cancer. It’s an excellent time to start a dream journal or to look into dream imagery. What is your subconscious trying to tell you? Synchronicity may play a large part in your week too, so look out for odd coincidences.   If you’re studying, this could be a tricky week for focus and concentration, particularly around Friday when Mars squares Neptune. Make lots of lists and try to break your to-do list down into manageable chunks.   On Sunday, the New Moon in your career zone will bring back your motivation. Set your goals high and look ahead with confidence. You’ve got this.   LEO   In love, you may be lulled into a false sense of security early in the week. Any issues of jealousy or infidelity have not gone away, despite the smiles.   As the week’s energy builds, and particularly towards Friday’s Mars-Neptune square, you may find that extreme stubbornness kicks in between you and your partner, especially if things have been rocky before. It won’t be easy to forgive or forget.   Sunday’s New Moon may help, as it focuses on fresh adventures and fresh dreams the two of you can share together. Intimacy issues will need some honest handling, however, if your love life is to stay on track.   VIRGO   There’s conflict and tension this week between your working life and your home life, and in particular your love life.   You may feel upset or taken for granted if your partner complains about your work ethic – but are you really doing all that you can to create a better work-life balance? On Friday, when Mars squares up to Neptune, you’ll need to be clearer about your priorities.   Sunday’s New Moon is a chance to spend some quality personal time with your sweetheart. There’s a sensual, intimate vibe here which can be very healing if you allow it to be. It would be a great time for a trip away together.   LIBRA   You’re more prone than most to falling into this week’s lazy, somewhat stubborn vibe, Libra, so it may be hard for you to get up to speed.   Friday’s Mars-Neptune square highlights how your idealistic goals suffer when you can’t get the day to day details right. This may be highly frustrating, but it can show you the importance of time management and good organization – try creating a schedule to keep yourself on track.   The New Moon in your love zone on Sunday is a very different story and a much more uplifting influence – this lunation is an inspiration and highly romantic. The perfect moment for a second honeymoon with your sweetheart.   SCORPIO   Are you sure that you’re telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? There’s a deceptive vibe going on this week, particularly around your closest relationship.   This comes to a head on Friday when Mars, in your intimacy zone, squares Neptune, in your risk zone. If you have anything to hide, you may have some very difficult choices to make as the working week comes to an end.   For the sake of your health and overall wellbeing, you would be well advised to stick to the truth, however awkward that may be. A New Moon in your health zone on Sunday will help you to keep it all together.   SAGITTARIUS   The focus is definitely on your home and family life this week, although what starts as a gentle enough vibe could very well prove more stressful as the week progresses.   Watch out for conflict points between your blood family and your partner, particularly if you have not been together all that long or if your family has strong views.   Friday’s Mars-Neptune square makes it difficult to know who’s manipulating who, but the New Moon in Sunday falls in your joy zone – if you can put the family in-fighting behind you, this promises to be a very memorable day, for all the right reasons.   CAPRICORN   At work, there’s an elusive, vague vibe that hinders you from getting much done. Despite your best efforts, details go astray, deadlines are missed, and people just don’t seem to be pulling their weight.   As Mars squares up to Neptune on Friday, your instinct is to find someone to blame – but you must know that you too have played your part in this mildly chaotic period. Focus instead on finding solutions.   Moving into the weekend, try to leave work behind you if you possibly can. There’s a New Moon in your family zone on Sunday, offering you the chance of some very happy hours spent with your nearest and dearest.   AQUARIUS   Your stubborn nature is highlighted this week and it seems that you are determined to do things your way or not at all.   The influence of Friday’s Mars-Neptune square pervades the week, and for you, this is all about risk-taking versus security, especially with money and material matters. You are ignoring advice and taking chances you can’t really afford – but you trust your instincts and won’t be told.   The New Moon on Sunday falls in your communication zone – this is your chance to explain to your loved ones and family why you think you’re right – and what you will do to make up for it should you turn out to be wrong.   PISCES   This is not an easy week for getting much done, which is frustrating – you had plans, and you have deadlines, and your self-confidence is riding on creating a success this week. Hang on in there. Just do what you can, step by step.   Family and domestic frustrations increase towards the end of the week, when Mars squares up to Neptune, and it may be tempting to blame your home life for any lack of progress at work.   However, the New Moon on Sunday falls in your abundance zone. If you can stay committed and re-focus on your goals, you can salvage the week after all, and you will realize that you have achieved more than you thought.  Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Focus on sleep, peace and privacy ahead of the upsurge of energy that comes with Sunday’s Aries New Moon.   TAURUS Friendships are difficult, but the weekend brings a glorious opportunity for manifestation and positive visualization.   GEMINI You may feel all at sea with regard to your career, but Sunday’s New Moon brings fresh inspiration and ambitions.   CANCER Synchronicity is all around you this week, particularly when it comes to your future career direction – look to the New Moon for guidance.   LEO A tense week for your closest relationship, but if you are open to building new dreams together, the New Moon on Sunday holds lots of promise.   VIRGO Your work-life balance is in the spotlight and may be found wanting, but the weekend brings the promise of romance and sensitivity.   LIBRA It’s a scatter-brained, poorly organized week when details may go astray, but Sunday’s New Moon in your love zone is a high point to look forward to.   SCORPIO Deception or deceit in a relationship creates some stressful moments this week, but the New Moon in your health zone on Sunday helps you tackle your mental health.   SAGITTARIUS Family matters are high on your agenda, but some people are determined to create conflict over nothing. Look to the weekend for some uplifting joyful vibes.   CAPRICORN A frustrating week at work gives way to a much happier weekend; the New Moon in your family zone brings the opportunity to create special memories.   AQUARIUS Be very careful with money – your risk-taking wild side could potentially wreak havoc if you don’t consider the consequences.   PISCES Cut yourself some slack during this frustrating week for your work and home life. You’re actually making much more progress than you realize. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/