Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | March 15 - 21 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for March 15 - 21. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.  WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR March 15 - 21 There’s a zing in the air this week as we approach Saturday’s Equinox. The Equinox is a point of balance in the cosmos, when day equals night and the energy is poised, full of potential. The March Equinox also marks the point of the astrological new year, as the Sun enters Aries, and the astrological cycle is renewed.   There’s a productive and constructive build up to the Equinox via two sextiles to game-changer Pluto, one from the Sun and one from Venus. These aspects enable us to harness willpower, charm and sheer strength of personality to get things done, or to overcome obstacles and authority.   ARIES   Make the most of a chance to rest and recharge your batteries in the early part of this week. The sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Pluto indicate that nothing is wasted time – far from it, getting some downtime and some peace now will pay dividends for your state of mind when you do get back to work later in the week.   When the Sun arrives in your sign, you will feel a burst of energy and positivity. That is the time to charge ahead with all systems go – make necessary changes without thinking too much; your instincts are strong, and you’ll know what you need to do.   Honor the Equinox by seeking balance in your interpersonal relationships.   TAURUS   There’s a lot of potential for learning this week, Taurus, particularly when the Sun and Venus sextile Pluto. Even though you may find other people’s opinions challenging, you can gain insight from them, if you keep an open mind. Something a friend or associate has to share with you may even prompt a complete change of heart on your part.   The Sun moves into your spiritual zone at the point of the Equinox. The latter part of the week is therefore a good time to create time and space for your spiritual life, amid the hubbub of everyday routines and your working life. Don’t neglect your need for quiet time, daydreaming and solitude.   GEMINI   This lively and sociable week has a lot to offer, Gemini, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself very busy and constantly in demand.   Career matters are well starred, and you should find financial pressures easing too, courtesy of the sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Pluto. If you need financial backing for a new idea, business or project, ask for it – you won’t know if you don’t try.   At the Equinox, the Sun moves into your community zone and you may find yourself more focused on how to improve society as a whole. This would be a good time to investigate working for a charity, volunteering, or joining a community movement of some kind. Collectively, you can create positive change.   CANCER   If you’re studying, you can expect good results this week as your concentration and focus intensify. Loved ones help too, and there are good signs that people are willing to give you the support and time you need.   In your love life, the sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Pluto suggest an adventurous time, but also a can-do attitude. If you’ve been facing problems, Cancer, the will is now there to overcome them for good.   At the Equinox, the Sun shifts into your career zone. Use the Equinox energies to focus on your long-term ambitions, ensuring that your plans are still in line with your authentic life goals.   LEO   Getting better organized this week frees up time for you to spend with a loved one and this, in turn, helps you to get over any issues that have come between you.   Staying on track at work gets easier too, Leo, with the sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Pluto pointing towards better time management and a more objective view of what needs to be done, eliminating emotional complications from work.   At the Equinox, the Sun moves into your adventure zone. Take this opportunity to plan some travel, or to explore a new way of life. Your priorities are shifting, so it’s time to get some new ideas and new experiences.   VIRGO   At the Equinox, the Sun will leave your love zone and move into an altogether much more complex area of your chart. Take the early part of this week to make the most of your relationship, Virgo, enjoying private time together and remembering why you fell in love.   The sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Pluto are very positive for romance and passion. Take a few risks together or re-invent the magic. If anything has been standing in the way of your partnership, you can now overcome it, together.   Once the Sun does shift away from your love zone, watch out for jealousy and anger – use the balanced vibe of the equinox to avoid over-reactions and snap judgements.   LIBRA   You sense the energies shifting, Libra, and your priority in the early part of this week is tying up loose ends. You’re trying to finish multiple projects, so it’s a complex and at times confusing picture, but you have what it takes to keep things under control.   The Sun and Venus both create sextiles to constructive Pluto, so don’t give up if pressures seem overwhelming, especially at work. You’ve got this.   Later in the week, the Sun moves into your love zone at the point of the Equinox. This is a hugely welcome feeling, slowing down the pace of life and giving you a chance to focus on your relationship, and on experiencing that sense of love and oneness.   SCORPIO   A fun week gives way later to a more focused vibe, Scorpio. To begin with, your emphasis is on partying, socializing and mixing with friends and loved ones. The two sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Pluto help you to overcome any communication issues, so it can be quite a healing time too, for friendships that have gone astray.   As the week progresses, however, the Sun prepares to move into the everyday work zone of your chart, and you will sense more and more the need to stop playing and to start concentrating.   At the Equinox, you can use the balanced vibes to help you create a better balance between your work life and your personal life.   SAGITTARIUS   There’s good news on the domestic front this week, Sagittarius, particularly with regard to finances. Two helpful sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Pluto are enabling and constructive, linking your family zone and your money zone.   You’re likely to get the investment or the loan you are seeking, or perhaps a family member steps in to offer financial assistance.   At the Equinox, the Sun moves into your joy zone, so this is another indicator of a positive week ahead. Use the Equinox energies to start a new creative or fun hobby. This will give you something exciting to focus on for the next month or so.   CAPRICORN   You’re finding your voice this week, Capricorn, and expressing yourself to the full, no longer holding back or being shy or diffident.   As the Sun and Venus both sextile Pluto, you’ll find that your persuasive skills get a real boost too – great news if you work in sales or marketing, or if you’re looking for a new job and attending interviews.   At the Equinox, the Sun shifts into your family zone, shining a positive, warm glow on family relationships and all matters connected with the home. This would be a good time to move house or to heal a family conflict.   This energy also favors a trip down memory lane – revisiting places or people from your childhood will bring you joy.   AQUARIUS   Your self-esteem gets a boost this week as you start to understand exactly how much other people value you and depend on you, Aquarius.   When the Sun and Venus both sextile Pluto, obstacles that have been preventing you from feeling good about yourself seem to melt away, so there’s much to be positive and happy about.   At the Equinox, the Sun moves away from your money zone and into your networking zone. Worry less about how much money you’re getting in and more about how you can improve your local neighborhood or help those who are less fortunate than you.   It’s a very good time for communication too, and for getting back in touch with old friends you haven’t seen for a while.   PISCES   This is the last week of the Sun in Pisces, so you may want to make an extra effort to use its vitality and confidence in your personal life and your friendships.   When the Sun and Venus both create sextiles to Pluto, you’ll find it easier to make new friends or to get your point across in a group – take every advantage of this to make your voice heard on issues that matter to you.   At the Equinox, the Sun shifts away from Pisces and into your money and values zone. You’ll start to think carefully about how much money you really need, and about the many other things in life that are more important than your bank balance.       Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Rest and recharge ahead of the Equinox and the arrival of the Sun in Aries – because from that point on, you will need to act quickly and decisively.   TAURUS Make room in your life for the spiritual and the mysterious, even if you have to change your schedule in order to accommodate it.   GEMINI Ask for backing for a new business idea or project – you’re likely to get it. Focus on your community too and seek to make a difference.   CANCER An excellent week for students, and a positive one in your love life too, with a chance to see eye to eye again if there have been problems.   LEO New ideas and new experiences are beckoning – get better organized this week so that you have more time to enjoy life to the fullest.   VIRGO It’s a loving and romantic week in your relationship, with plenty of magical memories to make – but watch out for jealousy once the Sun moves on.   LIBRA A very hectic week finds you trying to tie up loose ends and finish complex projects – but romance is on the way as the Equinox approaches.   SCORPIO Fun gives way to focus as the week progresses. You sense that you have a lot of work coming up, but it’s important to maintain a balance between work and personal life.   SAGITTARIUS Good news links money and domestic matters this week and there’s also the chance to start a new, fun, exciting hobby or past time.   CAPRICORN Your powers of persuasion get a real boost this week, and it’s a good time also to think about moving home, renovating your home, or redecorating.   AQUARIUS People love and value you, but you don’t always realize how much. This week, your self-esteem gets a boost as it becomes clear how adored you are.   PISCES Enjoy the confidence boost of the Sun in Pisces before the Equinox shifts the focus to your values and your financial situation. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. 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