Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | March 22 - 28 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for March 22 - 28. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR March 22 - 28 Early this week, secretive Mercury in Pisces squares up to Mars in Gemini, which is determined to spread information. This is a potential source of conflict for anyone who has something to hide, or who simply values their privacy – it will be important to watch what one says on social media, for example.   Later in the week, the Libra Full Moon opposes not only the Sun but also Venus in Aries and Chiron – this suggests that efforts to maintain peace, calm and diplomacy may struggle against impatience in our closest relationships. In some ways, we may self-sabotage our own peace of mind too.   ARIES   If there is something you would rather not have become public knowledge, Aries, you will need to be careful what you say this week. Your own urge to brag, boast or simply gain attention could sabotage your need to keep some things private. Try to keep a lower profile for a while.   The Sun-Venus conjunction in Aries brings plenty of passion into your life but might also suggest a very impulsive decision in love.   When the Full Moon falls in your love zone, you may have to face the consequences of previous hasty decision making – but there is nothing here you can’t overcome if you and your partner both wish to do so.   TAURUS   Try not to get friends involved in your financial situation, if you can help it. It’s your own private business, but if you borrow money, or ask for help, you may find things not quite so private anymore.   When Mercury squares up to Mars, you may also discover that some friends don’t necessarily share your values. That’s fine – we’re all different – but if it comes as a shock to you, you may be associating with the wrong people.   Look to the Full Moon to help you shake up your routines, re-organize your life and take stock of your current levels of wellbeing. If you’ve been very stressed recently, a wake-up call may prompt you to look at ways of calming down and chilling out.   GEMINI   You may be expected to toe the line or conform in some way this week, especially in your working professional life. When Mercury squares Mars, you face having to choose between what is expected of you versus what you’d really like to say. Choose wisely.   The Full Moon highlights a mini-drama of some kind over precisely this kind of thing – an incident where you have done as you please instead of as you knew you should do. The repercussions of this could be uncomfortable. Be prepared to ask for forgiveness.   The key to managing this week successfully is to stay humble. Acknowledge your mistakes and take steps not to repeat them.   CANCER   Too many questions leave you wondering what you can rely upon this week. If you are religious, expect to feel unsure about your own beliefs – you may even experience something which directly contradicts them, leaving you deeply unsettled.   This is OK. It’s healthy to question things, but you must keep an open mind regarding the answers you’re likely to receive.   The Full Moon highlights a drama within the family, which could be linked to you rejecting the views or beliefs you grew up with. It’s important to stay calm and to take the emotion out of this equation. You’re entitled to change your views, and you are no longer a child – so don’t behave like one.   LEO   If you have hidden resentments towards friends, colleagues or acquaintances, your true feelings may not say hidden for very much longer.   This week’s Mercury-Mars square is likely to unearth any two-facedness on your part, so it’s far better to be upfront and honest with anyone you’ve grown apart from. If you try to hide things, you’ll just make matters worse.   The Full Moon in your communication zone reminds you that words have consequences, so keep yours truthful and un-loaded, emotionally speaking. Deal with facts and try to stay away from emotional allegations.   This week could also mark an important moment in your relationship with your neighbors.   VIRGO   Expect a certain amount of conflict this week between the pressures of work and the pressures of your relationship. Your partner may feel that you spend too much time working, or not enough – either way, you will be under fire and having to defend your position.   When Mercury squares Mars, it will be easy to lose your temper over this issue, but do try to see it from your sweetheart’s point of view too. There are definitely two sides to this story.   The Full Moon falls in your money zone, perhaps hinting at a decision that sees you lower your income temporarily – don’t panic. You can do this.   LIBRA   Are you feeling stuck in a rut, Libra? When Mercury squares up to Mars this week, you may feel tired of doing the responsible thing, or the expected thing, and you will yearn to walk on the wild side.   It’s a good time to take a break if you can. The more you can travel, the better this week – in fact, anything which takes you away from your mundane routines will bring positive results.   The Full Moon in your own sign is an issue of identity. Are you truly living your dream life? Are you truly being yourself? If not, expect to face uncomfortable truths about the chasm between what you are doing and what you should be doing.   SCORPIO   Risk-taking, especially emotional risks, is high on your agenda this week, for some reason. It’s almost as though you’re tempting fate, willing something to go wrong. Emotionally, this is very difficult territory, especially when Mercury squares up to Mars.   Try to avoid gambling financially, or indeed risking anything you cannot afford to lose in any way – and that includes risking your closest relationship, too.   A Full Moon in your secrets zone means that something you might have wanted to keep private is likely to come out into the open. Although this will feel awful, look on it as an opportunity – you get a chance to come clean once and for all, and to move on with greater honesty.   SAGITTARIUS   There is discomfort this week between your blood family and your partner or your in-laws. This is not at all pleasant and you may feel very much stuck in the middle, especially when Mercury squares up to Mars and communications turn sour.   All you can do at this point is to reassure your partner about how much you love them, and to leave the other warring parties to fight it out among themselves. Honestly, it shouldn’t be your problem, although that’s easier said than lived through.   The Full Moon occurs in your social zone this week, so turn to friends for emotional support if you feel that your family either can’t or won’t provide it.   CAPRICORN   It’s easy to make mistakes this week, Capricorn, especially if you are very busy and/or life is very chaotic. When Mercury squares up to Mars, however, any such mistakes may have big consequences, so try very hard to get organized and to stay on top of the demands you’re facing.   If you do make a mistake, Capricorn, admit it immediately and work hard to make amends. Trying to hide a mistake will only lead to more problems, compounding the issue and doubling down on your responsibility for the ensuing mess.   The Full Moon in your career zone hints that drama at work may stem from this fairly innocent mistake – so don’t let things spiral out of control. Honesty is definitely the best policy here.   AQUARIUS   It’s difficult to focus this week, especially if you’re not enjoying your job, your studies or your other responsibilities. The urge to run away is strong, especially when Mercury squares up to Mars.   The problem is that too much fun and not enough hard work has meant that you’re now playing catch up. That’s why everything seems tedious and boring. You skipped steps, and now it’s no fun trying to get back up to speed.   The Full Moon in your knowledge zone will help you turn a corner here, but you must realize that in order to get things back on track, you will need to knuckle down and take a different attitude towards tasks you dislike.   PISCES   Something from the past seems to be holding you back at the moment, especially when Mercury squares up to Mars. It may be a lack of confidence, especially if your family was not that supportive to you as you grew up.   It may be that your family would prefer you to do something else for a living, or that you face family disapproval in some other way.   Your challenge is to realize that these issues belong in the past, and that you can choose to ignore them from this point forwards. The Full Moon will help you to understand that you are your own person now, with no emotional debt to anyone. That’s very liberating.  Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Hasty decision-making in love could come back to haunt you, especially during this week’s potent Full Moon in your love zone.   TAURUS Stress can have health implications – look to the Full Moon for holistic wellbeing solutions this week. Meanwhile, avoid sharing too much personal information.   GEMINI What you are expected to say is very different to what you would like to say this week – but you may have to conform in order to salvage your work reputation.   CANCER Spiritual questions are unsettling for you this week and could lead to a family drama too – but remember always that you are allowed to change your mind.   LEO Your true feelings towards a friend or colleague are likely to be exposed – be upfront and honest with this person before they find out the hard way.   VIRGO Conflict looms between your working life and your love relationship. Which you choose will have repercussions during this Full Moon.   LIBRA Break out of your rut this week and embrace your fully authentic self. The Full Moon in your own sign will accept nothing less.   SCORPIO Risk-taking may get out of control this week, especially if you’re trying to keep something hidden. The Full Moon reveals all, so be prepared.   SAGITTARIUS Conflict between your family and your partner’s family may turn to drama. The Full Moon urges you to turn to friends for emotional support.   CAPRICORN If you make a mistake at work, own it. This could be a rather chaotic week, but the Full Moon in your career zone urges you to not hide from responsibility.   AQUARIUS A difficult working week finds you having to play catch up, especially if you’ve been irresponsible recently. Look to the Full Moon for renewed focus and energy.   PISCES Something from the past holds you back and hinders your confidence, but the Full Moon helps you to understand how to be your own person. 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