Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | March 29 - April 4 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for March 29 - April 4. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR March 29 - April 4 Energies this week are imaginative and innovative. When Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, intuitive ideas begin to take on a life of their own, with even the most idealistic of concepts starting to look more realistic.   Mercury also creates a sextile aspect to Pluto, which shows how innovation and good ideas can create transformation and change – even revolution, at times.   Since Mercury is in Pisces, however, this is not always the most practical of energy. Enter the Sun and Venus to the rescue, with two very supportive sextiles to Saturn; these aspects bring out the humanitarian in all of us and urge us to find a way to make the impossible or impractical more do-able.   As so often this year, it’s a case of ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’.   ARIES   If you want to get something done against the odds this week, Aries, your best bet is to enlist help from your friends, your community and the wider society.   When the Sun and Venus sextile Saturn, you’ll see how crowdfunding, or simply the goodwill of those around you, can lift something apparently impossible firmly into the realms of the possible.   It’s a very uplifting week in that sense, Aries, and your brilliant ideas are being listened to now. Spread idealism and an uplifting vision wherever you can. The Mercury-Neptune conjunction is in your spiritual zone and encourages you to bring your sheer strength of will to a more spiritual purpose than you have used it before.   TAURUS   Think about how your career fulfills you on a spiritual level this week, Taurus. If you are working in the caring professions, that may be obvious, but any and all careers can have a spiritual dimension if your intent is in the right place.   Conversely, if you find your work shallow and meaningless, this week’s sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Saturn should help you find a way to change that – or to break free from it altogether.   With the Mercury-Neptune conjunction occurring in your humanitarian zone, it’s especially important to you right now that your idealism can be channeled constructively and, for most of us, the only way to do that is through work.   GEMINI   Getting a break from your routine will open your eyes this week, Gemini, especially if you can travel or experience new circumstances and new ways of life.   The Sun and Venus create supportive sextiles to Saturn, enabling you to upend the status-quo so that you can benefit from these changes. Your bright, curious mind is always seeking something new and different in any case, but this time you can really use this information.   With the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in your career zone, is it possible that what you learn this week could change your career for the better? Allow your idealism to shine, no matter how restricted you think your opportunities may be.   CANCER   The focus is on self-improvement this week, Cancer, and the supportive sextiles the Sun and Venus make to Saturn will help with this. You’re free to explore the depths of your personality, from a safe and secure base – excellent for therapy of any kind.   This better self-understanding will have repercussions in your personal life too, potentially enriching your relationship and expanding your horizons in love.   When Mercury conjuncts Neptune in your philosophy zone, you will feel drawn to more spiritual, holistic, intuitive concepts, away from the confines of logic and reason. Don’t be hemmed in by what other people think is possible. Go your own way.   LEO   This would be a good week to work with your sweetheart or partner on a project which you both believe in, Leo. Whether this involves work, business, community or a passion close to your hearts, the very act of sharing ideas and ideals will bring you closer together.   The Mercury-Neptune conjunction occurs in your passion zone, so it’s vital that you follow your idealism to the full, even if that goes against what you currently think is possible.   When the Sun and Venus create supportive sextiles to Saturn, you’ll discover that you have far more potential than you knew; at this point, obstacles to your progress may start to simply dissolve.   VIRGO   Your romantic dreams come a step closer to reality this week, Virgo, but in order to live the life you want to live, you’ll first need to organize your daily life properly – and that means paying your debts, securing your income and living up to your responsibilities.   With the Mercury-Neptune conjunction occurring in your love zone, shared idealism with your partner is hugely important in this, so talk together and make sure you are both on the same page.   Assuming you do both want the same thing, the supportive sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Saturn will set you on your way – take care of the basic, practical details this week so that your intuition and imagination can soar.   LIBRA   Find new ways to have fun this week, Libra. Sure, you’re up to your neck in duties and responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean life has to have the joy drained from it.   Beautiful sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Saturn show you that even mundane tasks can be joyful if you keep a mindful approach or seek a higher value in them. It’s all about attitude, and about gratitude too. Turn resentments on their head by finding your hidden blessings.   When Mercury conjuncts Neptune in your responsibilities zone, you’ll experience a whole new spiritual element to even the most boring of tasks. Everything has a purpose; the key is to find it and understand it.   SCORPIO   Get creative with the way you approach a problem. Look for alternative angles, Scorpio, especially if the issue is with family. You’ve tried so many things before – try something completely different now.   Supportive sextiles from Saturn to the Sun and Venus will help you communicate differently, and sometimes it’s the way you say something that can make all the difference. Be open to a new way of handling difficult people.   When Mercury conjuncts Neptune in your joy zone, you’ll also find great pleasure in meditation, visualization, dreamwork or fantasy writing. Enjoy giving your imagination a good workout. Stepping away from reality for a while should prove to be restorative and healing.   SAGITTARIUS   Someone within the family may not be telling the whole truth right now, Sagittarius, especially when Mercury conjuncts Neptune in your family zone. Your challenge is not to be angry, but to find out why, with compassion and understanding.   Family communication will improve if you use laughter as a tool to bring everyone together. The lovely sextiles between the Sun/Venus and Saturn will provide plenty of fun moments that can heal rifts or bridge chasms.   You should also find that financial matters improve for the family, especially when Mercury sextiles Pluto. This should ease the pressure and help to bring honesty and clarity back home.   CAPRICORN   Values you grew up with suddenly become more important again this week, Capricorn, perhaps years after you thought you grew out of them or moved on. When the Sun and Venus sextile Saturn, you’ll discover that the old ways may be the best after all, at least for the situation you’re currently facing.   Communication may be confused or confusing, especially when Mercury conjuncts Neptune, but plain speaking will help you make sense of what’s going on.   Be clear in what you say and in what you mean, and don’t leave any room for misunderstandings. Otherwise, someone could potentially use your words against you, especially on social media.   AQUARIUS   This is another very spiritual week for you, Aquarius, and one in which your values may start to align more closely with your beliefs – you’ve found it difficult, until now, to walk the walk, so to speak.   When Mercury conjuncts Neptune in your values zone, things will suddenly start to make sense, and what was confusing before becomes much clearer. Grab this spiritual clarity and hold onto it, because it can be a source of comfort to you in the future.   The supportive trines from the Sun and Venus to Saturn are helpful this week in improving your communication style, making it easier for you to persuade or convince others – handy if you need help or support for a pet project.   PISCES   You may get the distinct impression that you don’t fit in this week, Pisces. Don’t be surprised if you find that friends and colleagues, or even family, seem to have no room for your views or your experiences.   The good news is that you’re strong enough to walk your own path, especially when Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Mercury’s sextile to Pluto also boosts your sense of identity and helps you to stand tall and proud as the person you are.   Meanwhile, the sextiles from the Sun and Venus to Saturn add a stabilizing vibe, helping you to move forward past fear and out into the limelight, standing in your own identity without anxiety.  Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Enlist the support of friends, colleagues and your community to turn the impossible into something very doable after all.   TAURUS Does your career align with your values? Does it fulfill you spiritually? If not, this is the week to figure out why not.   GEMINI Travel opens your eyes to new ways of life and new knowledge – and if you allow it to, this could positively impact your career too.   CANCER Energies this week allow for a lot of self-development and personal growth. Don’t be afraid to go against the flow.   LEO What a beautiful week for working with your partner on a project close to both of your hearts. Think big, and watch the obstacles fall away.   VIRGO Romance and idealism join forces this week, but first, you must take care of the practical, day-to-day details of life.   LIBRA Finding a higher purpose in even the most boring of tasks awakens your gratitude muscle this week, enabling you to find happiness in routine.   SCORPIO Creative communication will open doors and solve problems this week, especially on a family matter.   SAGITTARIUS Someone in the family may not be telling the whole truth – but why? Find out gently, with compassion and a good dose of humor.   CAPRICORN Clear communication is essential in order to avoid misunderstandings this week. Strive for clarity above all else.   AQUARIUS Your values are starting to align more closely with your beliefs, making it easier this week for you to walk the walk.   PISCES Come out of the shadows and stand tall in your own identity, free from worry and anxiety about who you truly are. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/