Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | March 8 - 14 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for March 8 - 14. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.  WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR March 8 - 14 This week belongs to Neptune, and as such, there’s a gentle, peaceful, almost ethereal vibe.   The Sun and Venus both form conjunctions with Neptune in Pisces during the week, casting a romantic glow and encouraging compassion, selflessness, forgiveness and kindness. There’s a certain dreaminess in the air which can be very enjoyable.   However, Neptune’s energy can also be clouding, confusing and even illusory or deceptive, so as always during a period of Neptunian activity, it’s important to keep one foot grounded in reality.   The Pisces New Moon is also conjunct Neptune, adding to the sensitive, spiritual direction of this week’s astrological energy. This lunation is the perfect opportunity for a spiritual and emotional reset.     ARIES   Spend some time alone this week if you can, Aries. You’re not typically one for introspection, but with most of this week’s energy focused on your spiritual zone, you would benefit from time spent in meditation, prayer or visualization.   You can use the New Moon energy to work on any repressed or suppressed emotions you have been trying to hide. Journaling or shadow work could be very productive and therapeutic at this time. Talking therapy is less likely to be ideal, however, since you are keen to keep your private issues private.   Follow your intuition above your reason this week, because your higher self has a better idea of what’s going on than the rest of you does!   TAURUS   The hook-ups created by both the Sun and Venus with Neptune suggest that a friendship could be heading towards a romance this week – that could be a lovely thing, depending on your circumstances, but do make sure that you go into it with your eyes wide open.   The New Moon falls in your objectives zone, making this the perfect week to review your long-term goals and strategies. Use your intuition to sense whether you are going in the right direction. Just because something seems logical doesn’t mean it’s right for you.   This is also a good week for finding or joining a new ‘tribe’ of like-minded souls, thereby improving your social life no end.   GEMINI   If you work in a creative industry, you’ll find this week’s imaginative vibes very helpful. You’ll also enjoy this week if you’re into using magic, divination or the power of intent to create opportunities at work. You can sense the undercurrents of what’s going on, professionally, and you can use that to your advantage.   The New Moon in your career zone reflects opportunities to change jobs, if you so desire, or to make a fresh start in your current position.   This energy also speaks to your public image, so take a good look at your reputation and fix it if it needs fixing. Act from the soul in all business and career matters, and with the highest of intent.   CANCER   Your beliefs may be wavering this week, especially if you have previously had a strong religious faith of any kind. This can be an uncomfortable feeling, but it’s actually a positive and life-affirming thing.   Being strong enough to question what you previously took for granted is a huge step forward in your spiritual growth, so don’t be afraid to ask for answers.   The New Moon encourages you to study and to expand your horizons. Travel may be indicated in terms of a fresh start, or you may be thinking about going back to school. Say yes to any opportunities which scare you – because that’s partly the point.   LEO   Emotions are intense this week, as the New Moon and the Sun/Venus conjunctions with Neptune all activate the most psychologically sensitive area of your chart.   Expect to be moved very easily, both to laughter and to tears. You may well feel that your emotions are spiraling out of control at times, but just go with it. It’s OK to feel – everything.   The New Moon is an opportunity for self-reflection, especially if you have been through a tense time recently in a relationship. Your jealousy or possessiveness may have been an issue, but you have the chance now to work on changing that.   Take responsibility for where you may have contributed to any crisis in your love life.   VIRGO   This looks set to be a dreamy and ethereal week for you, Virgo, with plenty of emphasis on romance, magic, spirituality and creativity. Don’t be surprised if you feel a little bit spaced out at times – enjoy it while it lasts!   The New Moon occurs in your love zone, which is a positive thing for a relationship that needs help. It’s also a good indication if you’re dating or in a relatively new relationship – connections you make under this influence will play a part in shaping your life.   One thing to watch, however, is whether you are being too vague in your dealings with other people. Try to be more precise about what you want, and what you expect.   LIBRA   This could be a confusing week, Libra, with lots of Neptunian influence in your everyday routines and comfort zones. You may forget things, lose things or simply misunderstand issues. Make notes, keep lists and double-check schedules if you want to keep things as on track as possible.   Away from its frustrations, however, this ethereal energy can be helpful for your mental health. Use the power of the New Moon to set intentions around your self-esteem and self-worth – creative visualizations are especially helpful now, as your strong imagination can play a part in healing yourself.   The New Moon is good for creating new goals and habits for your physical health, too. Look out for your total wellbeing.   SCORPIO   If you’re dating, this could be an interesting week – the Sun/Venus conjunctions with Neptune suggest intense romance, but possibly intense deception too. Don’t believe everything you’re told, Scorpio!   Creatively, this can be an exceptional week too. The imaginative vibe activates your creativity zone and helps you to tap into the depths of your intuition for new ideas and new expressions.   The New Moon falls in your joy zone, so take time out to do things that truly make you happy – just because they make you happy. Not everything has to have an underlying purpose. It’s OK to do things just because you want to. In fact, the more of that you can do this week, the better.   SAGITTARIUS   The compassionate, forgiving vibes this week are perfect for healing a family rift, or for moving on from family trauma. Extend love and kindness to your wider family and your in-laws even – especially – if they have wronged you in the past.   With the New Moon also falling in your family zone, this is a terrific week for home improvements, redecorations, renovations or even a house move. If you’re staying put, use your creative flair to turn your home into your true sanctuary.   Creating an altar or a sacred space at home would be very productive now. It’s a good time also to welcome a new pet or animal companion into your family.   CAPRICORN   In this very busy week, you may find it difficult to keep track of schedules or appointments, especially given the slightly confusing Neptunian influence.   However, it’s a brilliant week for getting together with others to work towards a common cause. Local neighborhood activities are particularly well starred, so if you can work within your community, you’ll gain a lot of joy from that.   The New Moon falls in your communication zone, Capricorn, encouraging you to reach out to people you may have lost touch with. Catching up on pleasant memories will soothe your mind and bring out your sentimental side.   AQUARIUS   You will need to keep a close eye on your finances this week, given the confusing and slightly misleading vibe. You’re much more gullible than normal and therefore potentially at risk of being conned.   On a more positive note, this is an excellent week for understanding the spirituality of money and for working on creating a healthier relationship with your materialistic side. You’re starting to understand the role that abundance plays in life and that, in turn, leads to less financial worry and stress.   With the New Moon in your money zone too, you may feel the urge to set up a creative side hustle of some kind, to boost your income in a very enjoyable way.   PISCES   You’re in your element this week, Pisces, as the Neptunian vibe is where you feel most at home. You can lead the way, showing others the power of intuition and imagination. Divination, meditation and dreamwork will all be very effective this week and you can grow a lot in this area.   With the New Moon in your own sign, it’s also like a personal mini New Year for you. Use this energy to assess where you are and to chart a course ahead.   Re-define your goals and re-set your intentions. You understand the divine power of manifestation and you can use that very well now.   Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Work on hidden emotions or repressed feelings. Journaling or shadow work could be very productive for you this week.   TAURUS Find a new tribe of like-minded souls and expand your social life. It’s also a great week for manifesting a new life direction.   GEMINI Your creative talents are exceptionally strong now, so use this to your advantage at work and in your career.   CANCER There’s a lot of spiritual growth potential for you this week, but you may feel slightly uncomfortable as you being to question your own beliefs.   LEO Expect intense emotions within a relationship, but any jealousy you feel may also be an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.   VIRGO The New Moon in your love zone is great news for your relationship. Enjoy a magical, ethereal, romantic week.   LIBRA It could be a forgetful, slightly confusing week, but the imaginative vibe is great for positive creative visualizations.   SCORPIO Choose to do things simply because they make you happy. This is a week for indulging your creative streak and your inner child.   SAGITTARIUS Love, kindness and forgiveness are key themes within your family this week, helping to heal a rift or to move on from a trauma.   CAPRICORN Reach out to people you have lost touch with. Spending some time going down memory lane this week will make you smile.   AQUARIUS Your relationship with money is in the spotlight, but your spiritual understanding of finance and abundance is growing by the day.   PISCES The deeply spiritual Pisces New Moon makes this an outstanding week for meditation, divination, prayer and manifestation. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/