Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | May 10 - 16| Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for May 10 - 16. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR May 10 - 16 This is a busy astrological week – Tuesday’s New Moon in Taurus trines Pluto bringing a powerful reminder that all things are possible; on the same day, Mars sextiles Uranus, sparking ideas….and rebellion. Mercury trines Saturn on Wednesday, offering some stability and staying power, but the big news of the week is reserved for Thursday when Jupiter moves into spiritual Pisces. Although only temporary for now as Jupiter will retrograde back into Aquarius in late July. This influence brings a huge upswing of spiritual power, compassion and generosity. Grab it while it lasts. For all signs, this is an opportunity to move beyond everyday boundaries towards something more profound.     ARIES You can use this week’s energies to rethink your relationship with abundance. The New Moon in your money zone, Aries, is certainly a good chance to start new income streams or to look to expand your financial wealth. The Mars-Uranus sextile should bring you plenty of ideas for new projects and exciting new ventures, and there’s a strong will to get things moving. However, once Jupiter arrives in Pisces, you’ll start to gain a more nuanced understanding of manifestation, particularly where money, finance and wealth are concerned. It’s not about how much you have; it’s about how much you give. It’s an excellent week to start a gratitude journal to record your abundance journey.   TAURUS The New Moon in your sign is your promise of a fresh start this week, Taurus, so set your intentions around new ideas, new projects, new wellness habits and new you. When Mars sextiles Uranus on Tuesday alongside the New Moon, you’ll find it easy to communicate your ideas and to get backing for your projects, so speak up with confidence and get people on your side. Generous Jupiter moves into your humanitarian zone on Thursday, so for you, this influence will be about creating positive change in the world. Remember, small steps can lead to big things, so don’t think that you can’t possibly have an impact – you can.   GEMINI Expect to feel your spiritual connection to the cosmos growing this week, Gemini. Tuesday’s New Moon in your spiritual zone is a good start and will open your eyes to the interconnected nature of the universe. At the same time, the Mars-Uranus sextile brings you the courage and the curiosity to investigate. On Wednesday, Mercury trines Saturn, stabilizing your over-stretched imagination and calming any fears you might have about what you’re getting into. Wait for Thursday, and the arrival of Jupiter in your career zone, to help you understand how and why your career path may shift to better reflect your authentic purpose.   CANCER Feeling restless, Cancer? That’s not surprising. Mars sextiles Uranus on Tuesday, stirring up your more adventurous, cardinal spirit, and urging you to get out of your rut. At the same time, a New Moon in your social zone reminds you that you’re not an island; if you meet new people this week, they may play a significant role in your future wellbeing. It’s not until Jupiter arrives in your travel zone on Friday, however, that you’ll really start to feel the call of the wild – at that point, you’ll want to get back to nature, to immerse yourself in beautiful places and to ground yourself with mother earth.   LEO This ambitious week can see significant progress in your career and public status, Leo, with hints that you’ll start to get the recognition you crave (and deserve!). Tuesday is a particularly interesting day, with the New Moon in your career zone coinciding with an electrifying Mars-Uranus sextile, which promotes new ways to achieve your potential. There’s good news for love and friendship too, especially on Wednesday when Mercury trines Saturn and rewards honest, frank conversations. Friday’s shift of Jupiter into your mysteries zone, however, prompts you to step away from the superficial and to start looking for deeper answers. The beginning of a quest? Could well be.   VIRGO This would be a very good week to take up a new course of study or start working towards a new qualification. Foreign languages are connected to the Mars-Uranus sextile on Tuesday, while the New Moon on the same day falls in your education zone – so you might want to think about going back to school, Virgo. You’re likely to get support for this from an employer, judging by Wednesday’s supportive Mercury-Saturn trine – it’s always worth asking! The big news of the week, however, is the arrival of Jupiter in your love zone. Expand your heart, explore your karmic connections with your soul mate, and soak up the love and compassion which surrounds you.   LIBRA Tuesday’s New Moon is a deeply emotional experience for you, probably bringing up things you would have preferred to remain hidden – but try to see this as an opportunity to process any lingering trauma. Also on Tuesday, a positive Mars-Uranus sextile may manifest highly original ideas from deep within your subconscious, so pay attention to your dreams and to any unusual coincidences or strange events. They hold answers for you, Libra. Don’t worry if it all feels a little overwhelming or scary. Jupiter’s arrival in your health zone on Thursday will change all that, bringing you a huge boost for your mental health as well as extra vitality in your physical health.   SCORPIO The New Moon on Tuesday falls in your love zone – always a welcome thing, especially if you’re single and looking for love, or in a relationship that needs some spicing up or healing, Scorpio. At the same time, the Mars-Uranus sextile promises rich emotional rewards for your love life if you venture beyond your comfort zone. If you have had family concerns recently, look to Wednesday’s super-rational Mercury-Saturn trine to help stabilize the situation. Stay calm and focus on the facts. On Thursday, Jupiter moves into your risk zone – it really is time to step out of your box and to explore new people, places, hobbies, creative pursuits and joys. There’s a whole world out there waiting for you.   SAGITTARIUS This week’s New Moon in your everyday work zone is a positive influence, Sagittarius, helping you to get things done on Tuesday and beyond. The Mars-Uranus sextile on the same day suggests that financial help could come from an unexpected quarter too, so stay open-minded. There’s a boost for your closest relationship on Thursday when Mercury trines Saturn, opening up better communication channels and giving you and your partner a shared sense of purpose. It’s on Thursday that you’ll really start to feel uplifted, however, as Jupiter arrives in your family zone. This is a huge blessing, not least if you’re hoping to add to your family or expand your home.   CAPRICORN Let your inner child out to play on Tuesday, Capricorn – the New Moon in your joy zone demands nothing less. Do lots more of whatever makes you happy and don’t be afraid to indulge your creative streak too. With Mars in fortunate sextile aspect to Uranus on the same day, you never know – a creative hobby could become an income stream. Mercury’s trine to stabilizing Saturn on Wednesday is just the ticket if your relationship needs a boost, as it helps you to rekindle the magic without losing your sanity. Jupiter’s arrival in your communication zone on Thursday encourages you to think carefully about your charisma and your communicative talents – could you be the voice for someone who needs help?   AQUARIUS All things family-related get a fresh lease of life during Tuesday’s New Moon. If you’ve been struggling with work-life balance, then the Mars-Uranus sextile on the same day may help you find creative and innovative ways of squaring that circle, especially using tech tools. You can showcase your creativity on Wednesday too, when a helpful Mercury-Saturn trine shows you how to bring a project to life in a practical sense. When Jupiter moves into your money zone on Thursday, abundance looms – but don’t think of this only as material or financial abundance. Your task during this transit is to understand the many non-tangible blessings you have and to be grateful rather than demanding of more.   PISCES It’s a very busy week for you, particularly on Tuesday when the New Moon brings you a bunch of errands, tasks, deadlines and ultimatums to deal with. You’ll thrive under the pressure, however, especially aided by the productive Mars-Uranus sextile, which teaches you to abandon perfectionism. Any lingering family feuds or traumas come under a healing influence on Wednesday, when Mercury trines Saturn and promotes intelligent resolutions. The big news, however, is when Jupiter arrives in your sign on Thursday. Expect to feel instantly more comfortable in your own skin; you’re about to showcase the very best of Pisces, and you’re ready to roll! Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Between them, the New Moon and Jupiter’s change of sign are teaching you a great deal about money versus true abundance.   TAURUS The Taurus New Moon empowers you to speak up, and with Jupiter moving into your humanitarian zone, you’ll want to make a real difference in the world.   GEMINI A deeply spiritual New Moon shapes your week, but with Jupiter moving into your career zone, it’s important to consider your real-world purpose too.   CANCER A restless week finds you enjoying life and friendships, but when Jupiter moves into your travel zone, you’ll want to get up close and personal with the earth.   LEO The New Moon brings significant recognition for you in your career, but as Jupiter moves into your mysteries zone, you may start to wonder what it’s all for.   VIRGO The New Moon puts an emphasis on education and qualifications; Jupiter’s arrival in your love zone at the end of the week, however, brings pure magic.   LIBRA An emotional New Moon could bring up trauma you would rather have forgotten, but the arrival of Jupiter in your wellbeing zone will strengthen your mental health.   SCORPIO The New Moon in your love zone brings romantic bliss and happiness, but you are at risk of sinking into a rut – Jupiter changes all that, asking you to take a risk.   SAGITTARIUS A busy working week for getting things done, aided no end by the New Moon in your everyday work zone. When Jupiter shifts to your family zone, bliss awaits.   CAPRICORN The New Moon brings joy, fun and creativity, but later in the week Jupiter asks you to consider more serious matters – will you be the change the world needs?   AQUARIUS Your blessings are increasing – family blessings come courtesy of the New Moon, while Jupiter’s arrival in your abundance zone is truly packed with potential.   PISCES A very busy working week is in store, with the New Moon presiding over a bunch of new errands and chores – however, Jupiter’s arrival in Pisces thrills your soul. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/