Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | May 17 - 23 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for May 17 - 23. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR May 17 - 23 It’s a productive start to the week, courtesy of the earthy Sun-Pluto trine on Monday. This is a good time to use your personal influence on others for the collective good. A supportive Venus-Saturn trine on Wednesday helps to cement this too. The Sun moves into sociable Gemini on Thursday, but Friday’s Sun-Jupiter square is a difficult aspect, encouraging over-confidence and a lack of discipline. Combined with Saturday’s Mercury-Neptune square, which clouds issues and hides the truth, there could be a lot of showmanship late in the week. On Sunday, Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius, heralding a period for rest and reflection, particularly with regard to our collective experience of the last twelve months.   ARIES It’s tempting to take the easy route this week and to socialize and party, Aries, without much regard for work or responsibilities. Once the Sun moves into your communication zone, you’ll feel chatty and upbeat, with plenty to say. There’s a risk that this very friendliness could create problems for you later in the week, however, particularly on Friday and Saturday, when the Sun squares Jupiter and Mercury squares Neptune. Be very careful that you are not breaking someone’s confidence – and that any secrets you give away are yours to give. When Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday, expect some quite profound realizations about humanity.   TAURUS Your personal charisma is strong as the week begins, Taurus, and when the Sun trines Pluto on Monday, you should easily get your own way, especially at work. When the Sun moves out of Taurus and into your money zone on Thursday, however, you can expect to feel slightly less confident and more concerned about making ends meet. Watch out for over-enthusiastic social spending when the Sun squares Jupiter on Friday. On Saturday, you may discover that someone has been bending the truth. Take time over the weekend to consider your career direction as Saturn turns retrograde. Are you definitely heading where you want to head?   GEMINI Monday brings you an empowering psychic or mystical experience of some kind, Gemini, which greatly aids your spiritual understanding; the Sun-Pluto trine opens doors for you here. You’ll start to truly shine once the Sun moves into Gemini on Thursday, feeling more confident, more outgoing and much more you. Be careful that you don’t irritate people at work, however, especially on Friday when the Sun squares Jupiter. Don’t boast or over-exaggerate your talents. When Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday, it’s a good chance to reflect on the wisdom you’ve accumulated from daily life over the last year. Adversity has been your most insightful teacher. What can you share with others from your own experiences?   CANCER Getting friends on board with your own opinions and ideas is easier on Monday, Cancer, when the Sun trines Pluto, but be careful of your motives if you’re trying to change someone’s mind.  On Thursday, the Sun moves into your privacy zone, so you may want to dial back on social activity for a little while. Indeed, Friday’s Sun-Jupiter square suggests that you’ll be much happier keeping your own company and exploring spiritual pursuits like meditation or visualization. Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday in the most psychologically complex area of your chart. This is the start of a period during which you can make progress in dealing with long-held trauma, pain or regrets. It’s an excellent time to seek therapy of any kind.   LEO If you’ve been struggling with work-family balance, Leo, Monday’s Sun-Pluto trine is very good news. This energy helps you to get your family on board with your career ambitions and goals. When the Sun arrives in your long-term objectives zone on Thursday, then, you’ll feel much more confident about your ability to get things done without harming your personal life, which is a huge boost. Watch out for the Sun square Jupiter on Friday and Mercury square Neptune on Saturday. Both suggest that the truth is absolutely vital if you’re to maintain that long term support from loved ones. Saturn turns retrograde in your love zone on Sunday, underlining again the crucial importance of emotional openness and honesty at this time.   VIRGO The week begins with lots of progress towards a study or educational goal, Virgo, as the Sun-Pluto trine helps you to wrestle back control of your time management. It’s good timing then that the Sun shifts into your career zone on Thursday, filling you with more confidence than normal and the willingness to pursue your dreams. Your new-found enthusiasm for your career may bring discord at home, though, especially on Friday and Saturday. The Sun squares Jupiter and then Mercury squares Neptune; both influences warn against taking your loved ones for granted in your rush to push ahead. Saturn turns retrograde in your everyday work zone on Sunday; you could use this lengthy period to re-evaluate how you allocate your limited time every day.   LIBRA It’s a passionate start to the week, Libra, with the Sun-Pluto trine hinting at tempestuous but intoxicating issues in a relationship. Things will calm down once the Sun moves into your adventure zone on Thursday, however, and your priorities turn towards travel, education and exploration. Regrettably, the Sun-Jupiter square on Friday suggests that your plans in this area may be too ambitious, however. Try to be realistic with travel dreams or vacation plans. On Saturday, the Mercury-Neptune square also encourages fantasy and idealism, so it’s important to keep your feet on the ground. When Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday, you’ll want to play it safe for a while. Avoid taking unnecessary emotional risks; calm things down.   SCORPIO If there have been power struggles between your family members or relatives, Scorpio, Monday’s Sun-Pluto trine brings you a chance to nip it in the bud. Be authoritative and don’t take no for an answer. The Sun moves into your mysteries zone on Thursday, shining its light on your past traumas, things you’d rather have remained hidden, and secrets you yet want to uncover. It’s a volatile mix, especially given an emphasis on passion from this solar transit too. When the Sun squares Jupiter on Friday, sex, lies, betrayal and anything illicit may come home to roost; the murky Mercury-Neptune square on Saturday adds to the muddiness too. Get emotional clarity over what you truly want.   SAGITTARIUS A busy and productive start to the week comes courtesy of the Sun-Pluto trine on Monday, Sagittarius, which helps you to power through and across anyone else’s objections in work. Your focus will shift considerably on Thursday, however, when the Sun moves into your love zone. This starts a romantic, loving and loved-up period, but the Sun-Jupiter square on Friday, together with the Mercury-Neptune square on Saturday, hint that someone wants to stir up trouble between you and your partner – quite possibly an in-law or a distant relative. With Saturn turning retrograde in your communication zone on Sunday, you’ll need to think carefully about how to react. Sometimes saying nothing is the most powerful thing you can do.   CAPRICORN Good news about money starts the week well, Capricorn, as the Sun-Pluto trine highlights investments, creative ventures or side income streams that are doing very well. On Thursday, turn your attention away from business and towards your health, as the Sun shifts into your wellbeing zone. This is a good time to focus on your health, your diet, your exercise regime and everything else connected to your body. Don’t forget your mind either – mental health is just as much in focus at this time. Friday’s Sun-Jupiter square warns you to set sensible, achievable health goals, however. Don’t go crazy. Set yourself healthy targets rather than unattainable moon shots. When Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday, you’ll start to realize that you can be much more resourceful than you knew.   AQUARIUS This looks set to be a happy and largely fortunate week for you, Aquarius. Monday’s Sun-Pluto trine empowers you to forgive others, especially within the family, which is a very healing vibe. Then the Sun moves into your joy zone on Thursday, bringing a huge upswing in fun, laughter and creativity. It’s a good sign for dating too, if you’re single. Don’t be tempted to gamble, however – with love, money or anything else you can’t afford to lose. That applies especially during the Sun-Jupiter square on Friday and the Mercury-Neptune square on Saturday. Saturn turns retrograde in your own sign on Sunday, prompting a lot of introspections – it’s a good time to enjoy your own company.   PISCES If you work in sales, public relations or the arts, Pisces, you’ll enjoy Monday’s Sun-Pluto trine, which enables you to be highly persuasive and influential towards others. You’ll turn your attention towards your family on Thursday, however, when the Sun moves into your family zone. This starts a period of warm and loving family interactions, and positive vibes for anything to do with property and real estate. Be careful with Friday’s Sun-Jupiter square, however – don’t promise what you cannot deliver. On Sunday, Saturn turns retrograde in your karmic zone; this fits nicely with the Sun’s emphasis on nostalgia, and finds you exploring your past both in this life and in others. Short Horoscopes:   ARIES A fun and sociable week beckons but be careful with secrets – too much gossip will reveal more than should be revealed.   TAURUS Reckless spending is a concern when the Sun squares Jupiter, but overall, this is a week for considering the future and consolidating your path.   GEMINI The Sun’s arrival in Gemini is joyous, but there are reflective moments too this week; you’ve come such a long way.   CANCER Create a sanctuary where you can spend some time alone, reflecting and re-charging. It’s a good week for processing trauma.   LEO The Sun boosts your ability to get things done and to keep things moving, but other aspects remind you to check your motives and your honesty.   VIRGO Time management improves this week and you’re in tune with your goals, but is your family on board? Make sure you bring everyone with you.   LIBRA A passionate start to the week leads to lots of big plans and wondrous ideals, but it’s important to keep your feet on the ground.   SCORPIO Passionate and volatile aspects dig deep into your psyche this week, and you will need to be clear in your own heart and mind about what you truly want.   SAGITTARIUS The Sun in your love zone brings romance and sweet love, but someone is trying to stir up trouble. Silence may be your best response.   CAPRICORN The focus is on your health and wellbeing this week, and it’s an excellent time to set realistic, achievable goals in that area.   AQUARIUS The Sun brings you love, laughter and creativity, but Saturn encourages introspection and self-understanding too.   PISCES The Sun’s arrival in your family zone characterizes a nostalgic but enjoyable week, with a spiritual overtone as Saturn turns retrograde. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/