Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | May 24 - 30 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for May 24 - 30. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR May 24 - 30 This week’s astrological energy is dominated by the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Wednesday. This eclipse brings emotional conflict or drama around beliefs, principles, ethics, morals and justice, both on the world stage and in our personal lives.   The following day, a Venus-Neptune square clouds the issue still further, so this is not an ideal week for making far-reaching decisions – of any kind, but particularly not to do with love or money.   The week rounds out with Mercury turning retrograde in communicative Gemini – expect misunderstandings, some of them deliberate, as well as a general slowdown in the flow of information and facts. Again, not very helpful for major decisions.   ARIES   This week, you are challenged over how you are spending your precious time, Aries. You have learning to do, and lots of it, but you have prioritized other issues over and above education or spiritual growth. Wednesday’s Lunar Eclipse may reveal why it’s so important that you start to learn again now.   On Thursday, Venus squares Neptune in a fog of confusion, possibly helping to show how you don’t know as much as you think you know. It’s time to show some humility and a willingness to grow.   Mercury turning retrograde on Saturday is an opportunity for you to reflect and to set new educational challenges.   TAURUS   The Lunar Eclipse in Wednesday brings shocks for sure, possibly based around intimacy, money or both. This can be unsettling, but when the noise dies down you’ll realize that you really could and should have seen this coming; you will understand what has led to this point.   Take care on Thursday not to allow friends to divert you from your principles and ethics. You have a wider soul purpose, Taurus, but that’s not always easy for others to understand.   Mercury turning retrograde in your values zone on Saturday will help you to narrow down what truly matters to you – all the rest is just a distraction.   GEMINI   Much of your week is centered around your closest relationship, Gemini, where there could be drama during the Lunar Eclipse. Expect tempers to flare, along with considerable angst about honesty, likes, infidelities, trust or suspicion.   This doesn’t sound like much fun, and it may indeed be unsettling for several days – on Thursday, in particular, you will find it difficult to concentrate at work when Venus squares Neptune and further muddies the waters.   With Mercury turning retrograde in your own sign on Saturday, you’ll have a chance to breathe and to steady the situation, so don’t worry too much. Introspection and some quiet time alone will bring you great clarity of mind and insight.   CANCER   This week’s Lunar Eclipse is very empowering for you, even though it may come with accompanying shocks and surprises. The overall key theme here is your health – and you will be prompted to take much better care of yourself from now on.   Thursday’s Venus-Neptune square is also surprisingly positive for your zodiac sign, gifting you with far-reaching imagination; provided you keep a grasp on reality too, this can bring a rewarding shift of perspective.   With Mercury turning retrograde in your spiritual zone on Saturday, you will want to round out the week quietly, spending as much time alone as you can. Solitude is very appealing and will heal your soul.   LEO   Surprises are in-store this week to do with dating, children, or creative hobbies. The Lunar Eclipse brings shocks and surprises around these areas, but although this may be unsettling at first, the overall message is a positive one. Think of Wednesday’s events as a catalyst for good.   On Thursday, try to avoid sharing too much information about your personal circumstances and problems; friends will try to help, but they don’t really ‘get it’ and could cause more harm than good as Venus squares Neptune.   Besides, Mercury turns retrograde in your social zone on Saturday, Gemini, so you will have less patience than normal for social events. It’s a good idea to cut back on social activities just for a couple of weeks, to give yourself more room to breathe.   VIRGO   Family matters are uppermost on your mind this week, Virgo, not least because of Wednesday’s dramatic Lunar Eclipse – this energy could see some shocks and upheavals in your family circumstances, although if you’re honest, you already knew what to expect. Although not fun while it’s happening, this is a long-term positive influence.   On Thursday, Venus squares Neptune and sows some seeds of dishonesty or mistrust around your career situation versus your relationship. You’ll need to be scrupulously open with your partner if you want your work-life balance to succeed.   Your ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde in your career zone on Saturday in any case, so this is your opportunity to think carefully about things are working out.   LIBRA   Your daily routines may be upended by Wednesday’s Lunar Eclipse, Libra, which has the potential to cause significant disruption to your everyday activities, perhaps due to dramatic misunderstandings or confused communication. It’s not really possible to plan ahead to avoid this, so your best weapon is to stay ultra-flexible and be ready to adapt.   Thursday’s Venus-Neptune square also afflicts travel plans, so double-check details carefully as this energy is confusing and vague.   Fortunately, in some ways, Mercury turns retrograde in your travel zone on Saturday. This influence suggests staying closer to home and focusing, metaphorically at least, on your own immediate surroundings rather than looking for excitement elsewhere. Love what you have, where you are.   SCORPIO   Wednesday’s Lunar Eclipse occurs in your values zone and could bring drama around money or your dearly held principles, Scorpio. It’s almost as if someone or something is deliberately trying to unsettle you or make you feel uncomfortable, and you may be angry about this – however, the best way to handle it is to stay calm and to focus on something more pleasant.   On Thursday, Venus squares Neptune, asking you to take great care with dating or personal interactions with people you don’t know well; not everyone has your best interests at heart.   Saturday sees Mercury turn retrograde in your psychology zone, which is a welcome respite and a chance for you to do the psychological self-analysis you love to do. What you learn about yourself this week can work in your favor for the future.   SAGITTARIUS   A Lunar Eclipse in your own zodiac sign dominates the week, Sagittarius. It takes place on Wednesday, but there will be both a leadup and an after-effect, so expect to feel quite on edge for much of the time. This Lunar Eclipse centers around your identity and how honest you are or are not about who you authentically are. If you’re not walking the walk, expect to be challenged.   Family interactions could be murky or even deceitful on Thursday, when Venus squares Neptune, so take news with a pinch of salt.   It’s not until Mercury turns retrograde in your love zone on Saturday that you’ll get a full understanding of how your partner feels about recent events; this is your chance to backtrack, apologize and heal.   CAPRICORN   The week is dominated by the Lunar Eclipse in your spiritual zone, Capricorn, which takes place on Wednesday. This invites you to recognize your spiritual experiences, once and for all, instead of trying to hide them or run from them. You are being called to understand your greater spiritual purpose – even if that involves a shocking event as the catalyst.   Watch out for confusing information and conflicting instructions on Thursday, when Mercury squares Neptune and creates chaos at work.   You’ll have a chance to remedy this on Saturday, when Mercury turns retrograde in your everyday details zone. This is your chance to re-think procedures, policies, time management, systems and other things that make your day run smoothly.   AQUARIUS   During Wednesday’s Lunar Eclipse, Aquarius, you may be shocked or surprised to discover the truth about a friendship – but give your friend the benefit of the doubt, as there is more to this revelation than you currently realize. Understanding someone else gives you the chance to understand yourself too; wait for this to unfurl.   When Venus squares Neptune on Thursday, don’t take risks with money – or love, come to that. The situation is unclear, and you should wait for clarity.   That goes too for Mercury turning retrograde in your risk zone on Saturday. Spend the next couple of weeks playing it safe. Your desire for freedom and rule-breaking will have to be curtailed if you want to stay safe and sane.   PISCES   Your week is likely to be dominated by the Lunar Eclipse in your career zone on Wednesday, Pisces. This brings drama at work or related to your ambitions. It’s just as likely to be good drama as bad – but whatever goes on will have repercussion for the future, so pay attention.   Meanwhile, the Venus-Neptune square on Thursday speaks to trauma from your family background or your past that refuses to go away. It may be time to seek therapy or even past life regression.   Mercury turns retrograde in your family zone on Saturday, which will help you uncover more about the past – as well as showing you how you can learn from what has gone before.         Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Educational issues dominate the week, during which the Lunar Eclipse reveals exactly how much you don’t know – and why you need to learn.   TAURUS The Lunar Eclipse could bring shocks in intimacy or money matters; uncomfortable though this may be, it’s all part of your spiritual growth.   GEMINI A Lunar Eclipse in your love sign means a tumultuous week in your love life, capped by Mercury turning retrograde in your own zodiac sign – think before you speak.   CANCER The Lunar Eclipse prompts you to focus on health and wellbeing, but a valuable shift of perspective finds you also experiencing spiritual awakenings.   LEO Children, dating and creativity are impacted by this week’s Lunar Eclipse; retreat into some solitude so you have time and space to work out what’s going on.   VIRGO Family drama surrounds this week’s Lunar Eclipse, and you may also be pondering your career choices as Mercury turns retrograde.   LIBRA The Lunar Eclipse and Mercury turning retrograde both bring disruption to your travel and everyday plans – the lesson is to focus on matters closer to home.   SCORPIO Financial shocks are unsettling during the Lunar Eclipse, but the wider message of the week is to hone and reinforce your own personal values.   SAGITTARIUS Your identity is challenged during this week’s Lunar Eclipse in your own sign. Stand strong and draw on the support of your partner as Mercury turns retrograde.   CAPRICORN The Lunar Eclipse in your spiritual zone is a significant moment, but it does make life feel vague and distracted this week, especially once Mercury turns retrograde.   AQUARIUS Pull up the drawbridge – the Lunar Eclipse brings shocks around a friendship, while Mercury retrograde warns against taking risks.   PISCES The Lunar Eclipse in your career zone brings more questions than answers; Mercury retrograde, however, brings plenty of time for thought. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/