Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | May 3 - 9 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for May 3 - 9. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR May 3 - 9 Much of this week is colored by the arrival of both Mercury and Venus into sociable, light-hearted Gemini. This is a flirtatious influence in love, and with Mercury being a ruler of Gemini it’s also good news for communication of all kinds.   Watch out for the temptation to exaggerate on Monday when Mercury squares Jupiter, however. It’s important not to promise what cannot possibly be delivered.   On Thursday, Venus trines Pluto, which is a helpful influence for anyone seeking to even out power plays in a relationship, or indeed at work. Don’t take your results for granted, however, as the Venus-Jupiter square on Saturday warns against reading too much into someone’s casual conversation.   ARIES   Your persuasive power gets a huge boost through the week, Aries, with Mercury moving into your communication zone right from the start, backed up by soft, soft Venus at the weekend.   However, discord with friends early in the week is likely related to money or resources or both, when Mercury squares Jupiter. Be very honest about what you can and cannot afford to do.   Thursday’s Venus-Pluto trine brings better financial news, plus the likelihood that your hard work will be recognized in your career. Don’t brag though; Saturday’s Venus-Jupiter square reminds you that nobody loves a show-off. Better to show some humility and grace, especially to your family.     TAURUS   You may have some doubts about your career path this week, Taurus, particularly on Monday and Saturday, when first Mercury and then Venus square up to Jupiter in your career zone. Listen to your heart regarding your authentic soul purpose.   Otherwise, this looks like a positive week, especially for money. With Mercury and Venus both eventually arriving in your money zone, you’re able to make financial decisions with a good combination of your head and your heart.   Thursday’s Venus-Pluto trine is also helpful in taking back control of your longer-term objectives – don’t allow yourself to be pushed around or railroaded into someone else’s dream direction.   GEMINI   Your philosophy on life is being tested this week, Gemini, with squares from both Mercury and Venus to Jupiter in your wisdom zone. You’re being challenged to accept and embrace your spiritual experiences, even though you can’t explain them logically.   Your ruling planet Mercury quickly takes up residence in your sign on Monday, however, so you won’t feel too much out of your depth. Thursday’s Venus-Pluto trine helps you to gain a deeper psychological understanding of yourself, which is helpful.   Once Venus also shifts into your sign on Saturday, Gemini, you’ll feel much more confident about your beliefs and values, and better able to explain them to others – and that in turn will bring you peace of mind.   CANCER   It’s an awkward start to the week for your social life, Cancer, with Monday’s Mercury-Jupiter square highlighting an emotional debt you have yet to repay. Immediately following this, Mercury shifts into your privacy zone, so you may want to create some space for a while.   Thursday’s Venus-Pluto trine shifts the balance of power in a love or friendship, enabling healing and a better mutual understanding to take place.   Be careful not to abuse anyone’s trust, however, Cancer, as the Venus-Jupiter square on Saturday stirs up old grudges once more. Wait until Venus shifts into your spiritual zone later that day to have a true heart to heart with someone who matters to you.   LEO   This working week begins with some discord at home over your career and how much time you devote to it, Leo. The Mercury-Jupiter square on Monday is ill-tempered, but immediately thereafter Mercury shifts into your objectives zone, helping you better explain your plans to your loved ones.   On Thursday, you’ll enjoy the Venus-Pluto trine, which blesses both your career zone and your everyday work zone, helping difficult situations with colleagues to move onward and upwards.   There’s another minor blip in your work-life balance on Saturday, Leo, when Venus squares Jupiter, but it’s very quickly followed by the arrival of Venus in your objectives zone – get your sweetheart on board with your plans and make them a part of it.   VIRGO   Get set for an ambitious and hardworking week, Virgo, with both Mercury and Venus book-ending the week with arrivals into your career zone. On Monday, however, Mercury first forms a tricky square to Jupiter in your health zone – be careful not to overdo exercise or dieting.   On Thursday Venus trines Pluto in your joy zone, so this could be a magical moment to share with a lover, especially if you can travel together.   Before arriving in your career zone on Saturday, Venus creates one last square to Jupiter in another reminder to take care of yourself physically. Mentally, Virgo, you’re on top form, but do watch what you’re doing with your body.   LIBRA   Be careful with money as the week begins, Libra. When Mercury squares Jupiter on Monday, gambling would be ill-advised; on Saturday when Venus repeats this square, it would be exceedingly unwise.   Otherwise, however, Mercury shifts into your adventure zone later on Monday, widening your horizons and giving you plenty to think about. Don’t be surprised if you feel restless or have an urge to travel.   Thursday’s Venus-Pluto trine is a healing and forgiving vibe for any discord within the family – once Venus shifts into your adventure zone later that day, you’ll be much more tactless, so make the most of this opportunity to say your apologies.   SCORPIO   Monday begins with an ill-tempered vibe as Mercury squares Jupiter, Scorpio, pitting your blood family and your sweetheart at odds with one another. As hard as it may be, try not to get involved – immediately afterward, Mercury shifts into your debt zone and you don’t want to have to pay for your words.   Look to the Venus-Pluto trine on Thursday to calm the waters, opening up better communication and revealing the truth of the matter.   On Saturday, Venus also shifts into your passion zone, Scorpio, stirring up red-hot sensuality and giving you plenty of reasons to smile. Enjoy a smoldering weekend with your partner and put the earlier discord behind you.   SAGITTARIUS   This should be a pleasant, loving week, Sagittarius, with Mercury moving into your love zone on Monday and Venus following suit on Saturday.   However, first you have to navigate Monday’s ill-tempered Mercury-Jupiter square at work, which could see someone stealing the credit you deserve. Wait for the Venus-Pluto trine on Thursday for recognition of your efforts, and probably good financial news too.   Once Venus arrives in your love zone on Saturday, Sagittarius, take plenty of time out to be with your sweetheart. If you’re single, this is a fantastic time for dating – but don’t rush things!   CAPRICORN   Your ideas of fun early in the week could be thwarted by the Mercury-Jupiter square on Monday, Capricorn, which imposes limits on what you can (or afford to do). Try not to stress – later the same day, Mercury moves into your work zone, so you’ll find it easier to focus on earning your living.   Thursday’s Venus-Pluto trine brings a creative burst of energy and lots of brilliant ideas, plus the persuasive power to get them the attention they deserve. Good stuff could come from this.   On Saturday, Venus joins Mercury in your work zone, Capricorn, easing relationships with colleague and helping you to find pleasure in what you do. It’s a moment when work and play are hard to distinguish.   AQUARIUS   Don’t let family issues drag you down as the week begins, Aquarius. A difficult Mercury-Jupiter square on Monday makes you feel as though you can never live up to expectations – but later the same day, Mercury moves into your joy zone and encourages you to find things that make you smile.   Thursday’s Venus-Pluto trine activates your family zone as well as your spiritual zone – finding forgiveness is key now unless you want your resentment to become toxic. Make the first move.   On Saturday, Venus joins Mercury in your joy zone – and this is an excellent time for dating or meeting someone special. If you’re already in a relationship, relax with your favorite hobbies, and start a gratitude journal.   PISCES   Monday begins in quite a vague frame of mind, Pisces, and you may find it difficult to get your point across during the Mercury-Jupiter square. Later that day, however, Mercury moves into your family zone, so look for moral support from those closest to you.   There’s a lovely boost from your friends on Thursday, when Venus trines Pluto and communication, laughter and love flow freely.   Saturday’s Venus-Jupiter square is another moment of miscommunication or missteps in a relationship, but with Venus then swiftly moving into your family zone, peace and harmony should quickly return. The right intentions are important, Pisces, so send out plenty of love.  Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Persuasive and successful at work, Aries, you have a lot going for you this week, but take care to avoid becoming arrogant, because nobody loves a show-off.   TAURUS Good news about money is reassuring, Taurus, but you’ll want to make sure that your career aligns with your authentic soul path, rather than what someone else wants for you.   GEMINI It’s quite a deep and psychologically significant week, Gemini, when your values and ideals are tested – but you’ll end up knowing yourself better.   CANCER   Friendships are rocky, Cancer, and old grudges come and go – but if you can find forgiveness in your heart then this can be a healing week.   LEO   Good news from work is welcome, Leo, but you may have to help your loved ones understand the important of your career to you and involve them in your plans.   VIRGO   There are some magical romantic moments this week, Virgo, but you are being cautioned to take good care of yourself physically – don’t neglect your health.   LIBRA   A restless streak emerges this week, Libra, which could translate into recklessness with money for a while – don’t gamble with anything you can’t afford to lose.   SCORPIO   Family discord may make for an awkward week at points, Scorpio, but with Mercury and Venus both arriving you in your passion zone, you’ve plenty to keep you occupied.   SAGITTARIUS   Mercury and Venus move into your love zone, Sagittarius, but at work, things could be less cordial, especially if someone is stealing your thunder.   CAPRICORN   Financially you may feel quite restricted this week, Capricorn, but creatively you’re on fire. When work feels like play, you know you’re doing something right.   AQUARIUS   Tricky or toxic family issues loom this week, Aquarius, but with Mercury and Venus in your joy zone, you can counter the negativity with a big dose of gratitude.   PISCES   Family, fun and friendship are your top priorities this week and there should be plenty for you to smile about, Pisces. Mercury and Venus in your family zone boost positivity. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/