Weekly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | May 31 - June 6 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope for May 31 - June 6. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.    WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR May 31 - June 6 Most of this week is imaginative, calm and loving – until the weekend! Monday starts the ball rolling nicely with a glorious Mars-Neptune trine, which promotes idealism and positive fantasies.   Venus moves into caring Cancer on Wednesday, increasing sympathy and bringing a protective vibe to most interactions. The following day, the Sun trines Saturn in a stabilizing influence, while Venus trines Jupiter, expanding generosity, love and compassion through the cosmos.   So far, so good. On Saturday, however, Mars opposes Pluto in a powerful and volatile standoff which could see drama, drastic decisions and oppressive, even violent tactics. This is not easy energy to work with: staying calm will be essential.   ARIES   Family issues are uppermost in your mind this week, Aries, and you will probably feel quite nostalgic and sentimental. Monday’s Mars-Neptune trine unleashes creative inspiration, so getting your feelings out through art or crafts would be beneficial.   Venus arrives in your family zone on Wednesday, and you won’t hesitate to protect and defend your loved ones to the utmost of your ability. The beautiful Venus-Jupiter trine on Thursday could hint at a new family member, or the expansion of your home and domestic sphere.   However, the Mars-Pluto standoff on Saturday focuses on your family life versus your public life and may create extreme tension for your work-life balance. Be sure to keep your partner involved in important decisions.   TAURUS   This is a busy week, Taurus, but for the most part a very productive one. Mars trines Neptune on Monday, which is a very creative influence if you work in the arts or in marketing or public relations. Imaginative ideas can find practical application at work.   Venus arrives in your communication zone on Wednesday, lending you extra charm and making it easier for you to get along with everyone. This raises your persuasion skills too, and when Venus trines Jupiter on Thursday, you will be an effective voice for a campaign of any kind.   However, when Mars opposes Pluto on Saturday, you’ll find yourself caught in a conflict between what you know and what you do not yet know – and this tension may provoke dramatic action on your part, from frustration if nothing else.   GEMINI   Money, abundance and values are the key themes for this week. Monday starts off very well, with an imaginative Mars-Neptune trine which helps you bring creative ideas to work – and have them listened to.   Once Venus arrives in your money zone on Wednesday, Gemini, you will be very focused on increasing your wealth – but Venus does love to spend, so it could be a case of easy come, easy go; be careful to stick to a budget if your resources are not unlimited! The Venus-Jupiter trine on Thursday especially encourages impulse purchases!   This hints at what may be to come on Saturday when Mars opposes Pluto from your money zone – debts will be called in, creditors may lose patience and people who backed you may back away. Stay calm; answers are coming.   CANCER   There’s a strong focus on your sign this week, Cancer, which is both empowering and potentially stressful at the same time. The week begins creatively, with Mars trine Neptune on Monday, which is an especially good vibe for idealistic ideas and projects.   Venus moves in your sign on Wednesday; a very loving and kind influence, this brings out the best in you and showcases your instinctive nurturing abilities. The Venus-Jupiter trine on Thursday also brings opportunities for love and travel – perhaps combining the two!   Be very careful on Saturday, however, when Mars in your sign opposes powerful Pluto. This could bring volatile and explosive emotions in your closest relationship – try not to say or do anything you cannot later take back.   LEO   Expect some psychic experiences or mystical dreams on Monday, Leo, when an intensely spiritual Mars-Neptune trine activates your most spiritual zone. Listen for messages from your subconscious or your higher self.   Venus moves into this spiritual zone on Wednesday, at which point you’ll enjoy time spent in meditation or retreat – withdraw from the hurly-burly for a while, so that you can hear your thoughts. The Venus-Jupiter trine on Thursday is a good opportunity to practice benevolence and forgiveness.   Saturday’s Mars-Pluto opposition, however, is a very different vibe. Angry, volatile and frustrating, this energy demands that you return to your everyday responsibilities – but your heart tells you that spiritual pursuits matter more at this time.   VIRGO   Friendships can be delightful this week, Virgo, with a particularly magical interlude on Monday when Mars trines Neptune and highlights the ideals and dreams you share together.   Indeed, with Venus moving into your social zone on Wednesday, there’s a lot of companionship and affection on offer from your circle of friends this week. Friendship may even turn to love, if you’re single and seeking. When Venus trines Jupiter on Thursday, your friends can also be a very positive influence on your existing relationship.   When Mars opposes Pluto on Saturday, however, there’s a sense that too much play has consequences. You’re challenged during this volatile energy to act for the greater good rather than for selfish interests, and your motives may be questioned unfairly or with hostile intent.   LIBRA   Focusing on your career would be beneficial this week, Libra. Monday starts well, with a Mars-Neptune trine helping you to align your career and your everyday job with your spiritual purpose, which brings a lot of fulfillment and satisfaction.   Venus moves into your career zone on Wednesday, adding charm and social skills to your working toolbox; this is a good time for seeking favors or for impressing others in a job interview. Thursday’s Venus-Jupiter trine is tailor-made for promotions or recognition at work.   However, on Saturday Mars opposes Pluto. Here, something from your past may impact your working life, your status, your ambitions or your pride – and no amount of wishing it away will help. Stay calm and hold your head up high.   SCORPIO   This is a feel-good, adventurous, illuminating week, for the most part, Scorpio. Monday’s Mars-Neptune trine highlights your wish to have fun and to break out of your boundaries in a very creative, imaginative way.   When Venus moves into your travel zone on Wednesday, there could be clear links between love and new places, new faces, new customers, new lands. When Venus trines Jupiter the following day, an intoxicating love affair could well expand your horizons, literally!   However, Mars opposes Pluto on Saturday and brings the feel-good factor to a close. Tense, angry energy demands more focus on day-to-day details and you will feel curtailed and hemmed in. You may react with fury, but patience would be a better option.   SAGITTARIUS   There are a lot of deeply psychological vibes around for you this week, Sagittarius, and some heady emotions too. Monday’s Mars-Neptune trine is full of healing and forgiveness, particularly within the family, and could be a very moving experience.   Gentle Venus shifts into your self-improvement zone on Wednesday, helping you to understand past mistakes and to go easy on yourself where you have previously felt guilt or blame. The Venus-Jupiter trine the following day is a green card for loving family relationships and for healing through therapy.   However, Mars opposes Pluto on Saturday, bringing spite, jealousy, bitterness and anger to the fore. This could be an explosive aspect in your life, particularly where love or money is concerned.   CAPRICORN   Focus on your love life this week, Capricorn, as romantic energies are all around you. We start with a delightful Mars-Neptune trine on Monday, which helps you to share your dreams and your ideals with your partner, working joint magic on your ambitions.   Venus moves into your love zone on Wednesday, which naturally creates a loving atmosphere and a romantic vibe. Thursday’s Venus-Jupiter trine is an extremely happy energy, and speaks of a pregnancy, birth, engagement, wedding or other happy news.   The weekend, however, could be trickier. Mars opposes Pluto from your love zone, and this pits your love life in some ways against your own identity and your freedom to be yourself. Compromise will be intensely difficult, but you really must try.   AQUARIUS   This looks set to be a busy week, Aquarius, but you’ll need the self-discipline to keep track of the details. Monday’s Mars-Neptune trine, although an enjoyable, day-dreamy influence does distract you and could cause financial issues if you don’t keep your eye on the ball.   Meanwhile, Venus moves into your everyday zone on Wednesday; again, this feels great, but it can lead to laziness or lethargy. Frankly, you’d rather be relaxing than working, and it shows! Thursday’s Venus-Jupiter trine is full of opportunities, but whether you’ll be motivated to seize them or not is debatable!   On Saturday, Mars opposes Pluto. This is heavy, difficult, angry energy, and it suggests that someone is angry over what they view as time-wasting. You will need to stand your ground – but perhaps they have a point?   PISCES   There’s a lot of fun to be had this week, Pisces, but it’s important not to forget that you also have duties and responsibilities. Monday’s Mars-Neptune trine urges you to put your own interests first, which is fine – but if you have to lie to avoid something, that’s a red flag.   On Wednesday, Venus moves into your joy zone, which is great news if you’re dating or looking to put the sparkle back into a relationship. Thursday’s Venus-Jupiter trine is creative and magical too, creating memories that will last a lifetime.   However, on Saturday Mars opposes Pluto, and this is where responsibility and duty fight back. You may feel imposed upon or having to take on more than your fair share of what must be done – speak up and don’t allow others to take advantage of you.       Short Horoscopes:   ARIES Family life is joyful for much of the week, but the Mars-Pluto opposition creates a standoff over your work-life balance.   TAURUS You’re in a creative and charming mood this week, which helps you get plenty done – but you don’t yet have the full facts, so stay cautious.   GEMINI Abundance is your key focus this week, especially with Venus moving into your money zone – but some debts just won’t wait to be paid.   CANCER Venus’ arrival in Cancer showcases you at your most loving and nurturing, but the explosive Mars-Pluto opposition creates unwelcome drama for your love life.   LEO The week is packed with psychic experiences and messages from your higher self – but the weekend brings angry vibes that demand your attention.   VIRGO Socially, this is a highly enjoyable week, especially once Venus arrives in your friendship zone. However, duties and responsibilities loom at the weekend.   LIBRA There’s a boost to your career when Venus moves into your ambitions zone, but the Mars-Pluto opposition brings up something from your past that hinders progress.   SCORPIO Creatively, you’re on a roll, and Venus ensures that this is mostly a fun, flirtatious week. However, the devil is in the details, as the Mars-Pluto opposition shows.   SAGITTARIUS Forgiveness and deeply moving moments make for an emotional week, but Saturday’s Mars-Pluto opposition creates jealousy and drama.   CAPRICORN Expect plenty of romance with Venus arriving in your love zone, but the Mars-Pluto opposition is tense, volatile and argumentative for your relationship.   AQUARIUS This feels like quite a lazy week – good for relaxing and enjoying quiet hobbies. However, the Mars-Pluto opposition demands more focus from you.   PISCES Venus moves into your joy zone, which is great news for love and dating, but the Mars-Pluto opposition has a sting in its tail this weekend. GET YOUR FREE PERSONALIZED ASTROLOGY MOVIE: https://video.astrology.tv/ Unlock your limitless potential. Discover yourself now. SIGN UP FOR MY HOROSCOPE NEWSLETTER: https://astrology.tv/newsletters/ Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes delivered to your email inbox.    YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ON ASTROLOGY.TV:   https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/