Episode 1402: Reuniting with Your Abandoned WIP

Your Daily Writing Habit - A podcast by ChristineInk


“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans.” -Peter Drucker   It pains me to admit it, but I’ve somehow slid fully away from my work in progress. I think I remember you talking once about how to come back to your manuscript in these situations? Can we get a refresher please since I’m sure I’m not the only one, thanks!   What about you? What questions do you have for me about writing and finishing writing an awesome book? Please send them to me here: https://christine-ink.com/contact/   Join the author conversation in Ink Authors: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inkauthors/   Learn more about YDWH and catch up on old episodes: www.yourdailywritinghabit.com    Learn more about me, “Christine Ink,” and how I support authors: https://christine-ink.com/   5 Things to Know Before Hiring a Book Coach: https://christine-ink.com/book-coaching-2/