How to create a business that you love and works for you

Your Dream Business - A podcast by Teresa Heath-Wareing - Mondays


Today’s episode of the podcast is all about your season of life and knowing how to create a business that you love and not what someone else is trying to tell you to love. I’d love to know what season of life you are in right now and how that impacts your business, and whether any of this episode resonated with you - please feel free to connect with me on my social media and let me know! KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST how important it is, from a mindset, business and happiness perspective that you understand where you are in life and what you want from it why you need to unlearn everything you have learned so far about how to build your business what a coach should be doing for you and what they absolutely should not be doing how your season of life can impact your pricing and what you charge the questions you can ask yourself to discover what is important to you THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO REMEMBER ABOVE ALL ELSE Everyone has different lives, situations and priorities – there is no one size fits all to running a business!