The vicious cycle of procrastination and how to tackle it

Your Dream Business - A podcast by Teresa Heath-Wareing - Mondays


Today’s episode of the podcast is all about procrastination - and if you’re thinking you’ve heard this 101 times before and don’t need to listen, please do, because you’re in for a treat! In this episode I look at procrastination from a different perspective than the way we usually hear it spoken about, and share my real life and practical tips for how to tackle it. If you struggle with procrastination you will learn a lot from this episode, so I can’t wait to hear what your biggest takeaway is, please do connect with me on social media and let me know. And if you know someone who regularly beats themselves up for not getting things done, then please share this episode with them too. I would really love for you to do that! KEY TAKEAWAYS COVERED IN THE PODCAST How to slow down your procrastination process The role of self compassion in procrastination Practical tips to prevent procrastination LINKS TO USEFUL RESOURCES Join my monthly mindset sessions in the Dream Business Club Teresa Heath-Wareing Instagram Teresa Heath-Wareing LinkedIn Teresa Heath-Wareing Facebook Teresa Heath-Wareing Twitter