Summer DO's - activities for halal fun
Your Muslim Girl Podcast - A podcast by Fatima Sabir

Salam lovely! Once again, I need to say that you are the literal best. This episode was supposed to be up yesterday, but Spotify was behaving a little funny, so here it is! We're discussing some fun summer things to do to have fun in a halal way. I'll also be posting a list of habits to pick up during the summer, InshaAllah. As always, if you have any questions for me, feel free to reach out to me via IG (@yourmuslimgirlpodcast) or email: [email protected] I am still accepting work for the book for Palestine, so definitely shoot me an email if you have something you'd like to contribute. May Allah grant you a wonderful week, and love you for the sake of Allah, Fatima Shop my journals: Instagram: Email: [email protected] All my links can be found here: