Episode 321: Supporting Children Who Struggle With Change: Starting a New School Year & Beyond
Your Parenting Long Game - A podcast by Rachel Bailey - Thursdays

Changes and new situations – especially a new school year! – can create a lot of worry for our kids with big emotions. But no matter what the change is, or what their worries are, we can empower children to handle hard things. In this episode, you’ll learn: Simple steps to help kids get ready for a new school year (or any other situation that they’re nervous about) How to make it less likely that they’ll worry about changes and transitions How to help them feel more in control of situations that they are anxious about -- Summary of this episode: https://rachelbailey68580.activehosted.com/f/198 Transcript of this episode: https://rachel-bailey.com/321-transcript/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RachelBailey Free training for parents with kids with big emotions: https://rachel-bailey.com/longgame/rachel