Episode 323: When Children Melt Down When Things Don’t Go Their Way
Your Parenting Long Game - A podcast by Rachel Bailey - Thursdays

One of the defining qualities of children with "big emotions" is that they have a hard time when things don't go their way. But explaining to them why they need to be more flexible doesn't seem to work, and it only frustrates them and us more! The good news is that we can help our children handle frustration and disappointment when we shift from telling children WHY they need to be more flexible to teaching them HOW to be more flexible. In this episode, you'll learn: Why we reduce our influence when we try to get children to accept that things won't always go their way What they truly need in order to become more adaptable A simple formula (with examples!) to teach them to maturely handle the fact that things will go differently than they expected -- even if they are currently resistant to talk about this --- Transcript of this episode: https://rachel-bailey.com/323-transcript/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RachelBailey Free training for parents with kids with big emotions: https://rachel-bailey.com/longgame/