The Self-Love Superpower- Tess Whitehurst

Your Superior Self - A podcast by Trey Downes - Mondays

Tess Whitehurst has been interested in all things magical since childhood. Her parents remember the way she casually referred to the “different colors around people’s heads and shoulders,” and her preschool-age backyard activities included intuitively performing nature rituals and speaking with faeries. Now, for over a decade, she’s been inspiring people to thrive through her books, articles, live workshops, online classes, podcasts, magical planners, and certification program. She truly loves sharing principles and practices that have so supported her (and continue to support her!) on her own healing journey. An award-winning author, spiritual teacher, podcaster, and blogger, Tess presents ancient, sacred, and empowering wisdom in a friendly, joyful, and accessible way. In addition to creating the Magic of Flowers Oracle and the Cosmic Dancer Oracle, she’s written nine books that have been translated into eighteen languages, and her articles have appeared in such places as Writer’s Digest, Spirit, and Destiny magazine, and Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac. She’s appeared on morning news shows on both Fox and NBC, and her feng shui work was featured on the Bravo TV show “Flipping Out.”