Episode 121 – Each Person Is Worthy of Love

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this podcast, we will talk about who we really are. You are created by God and you are His child. As such, you have the seeds of divinity inside you. That may be hard to see or believe when we see some of the sad and cruel things that happen, but it is still true. So what do we do with that? Every single person cam from the same place, and more than that, we all chose to come here. You have a divine origin and a divine purpose. If you want it, you have a divine destiny. When love is absent, the consequences are disastrous. In fact, that creates much of the pain and cruelty we see. I can’t fix the world but I can love in my sphere of influence. You may think that it won’t matter but try it.