Episode 24 - 5 Essentials for Your Ultimate Life

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, we’ll learn what it really takes to create Your Ultimate Life. It is not a haphazard affair and there are specific skills you need to have or develop to make that happen for you. Sometimes these come naturally, but most of the time, we have to develop them intentionally. These five skills are: 1) Take Responsibility. No one is going to build your Ultimate life for you and no one will hand it to you. You will create it intentionally. 2) Accept and deal with Head Trash. We all have those annoying voices… 3) Learn to Meditate. This connects you to true power. 4) Love Yourself. This is not what you think. 5) Have Fun. Can you really live your ultimate life without a good dose of fun? Join me tomorrow where I'll start going through each of these skills starting with #1, Take Responsibility.