Episode 26 - Accept and Deal with Head Trash

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

Today we're discussing and focusing on skill #2 of our five skills to create your ultimate life. This skill is named - accept and deal with head trash. In this episode, we come face to face with the monsters in your mind. The naysayers. The well-meaning friend or partner. All those past experiences that try to convince you the Ultimate Life is not within your reach. Ignore them. Better yet, have security escort the naysayers from the building. We all have some version of the story of being not good enough. We feel weak or insignificant. That is not the truth of who you are. You are talented, powerful, and important. How do you deal with these feelings? Learn to let them pass through. You are not your feelings. Forgive your mistakes and recommit. Get a coach and be coachable. You can and will create what you truly commit to. That is no lie. Tomorrow we'll move on to skill #3 - learn to meditate.