Episode 27 - Learn to Meditate

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, we dive deep into the practice of meditation. It is not a religious practice, although it is a tenant of many religions. We all know that we have a spiritual side. Sometimes we are uncomfortable discussing it, but we know it's there. What if you could learn to tap into higher wisdom on command? In this episode, learn the three simple steps of meditation. First, slow down enough to be where you are. Second, be still enough to see what is there. Third, trust what comes to you is the truth. Start small with 5 or 10 minutes a day and watch the power blossom in your life. The best part about learning this amazing skill is that you can’t do it wrong. How many things can you describe like that? This episode is a big one… In the coming months, I'll go into various meditation practices and even lead us through a guided meditation. I've been meditating for 40 years and have written 5 books on it as well as created a course. As a matter of fact, the very first digital course I created back in 2009 was a course on meditation. I remember clearly, the day that I sold my first course...New Years Day, a great time to begin, but, any day is a great day to learn and start to meditate. Tomorrow, we'll talk about something that makes many people very uncomfortable...and that is loving yourself. Truth and Love, Kellan