Episode 30 - Decorations

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, let’s talk about decorations. No, we are not decorating a cake, or talking about holiday decorations, although those are a couple of kinds of decorations. The first meaning of decorations is that we adorn things with items to make them more beautiful or memorable. Think of Christmas decorations or birthday celebrations. The second type of decoration is what we give to a heroic soldier. Someone who has done something amazing, perhaps dangerous, and was willing to risk it all. Those decorations are to create memory and honor. The third decoration is the adornment we put on ourselves, not to be impressive, but to exude light and hope. We can decorate our lives and beings with hope and love, especially during this hard time. Tomorrow's episode we delve into and face the fire.