Episode 304 - The Dog's Foot

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, I talk about our poor doggy. Popcorn has a growth on her right front paw. It has been there for a while and it has really started to get big and ugly in the last few weeks. We took her to the vet to see if it was cancerous or something. It isn’t, but it still needs attention and eventual removal. There is a parallel in all these things. There are things in our lives that are serious and need immediate attention. There are also things that are not urgent at the moment, but if left unattended, eventually will. Get big and cause us problems as we create the Ultimate Life. These might be physical things like Popcorn’s foot, and they might be habits or stories we hold to. A great metaphor for me to learn.