Episode 40 - When the COVID War is Over

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, I'm continuing the COVID lessons, but from a more personal perspective. We all have suffered loss. Loss of normalcy, loss of business, loss of life. Coping with loss and grieving will be needed on a personal scale and the scale of our society. Will we take time ourselves and allow others to grieve? There are three things I want to remind us about. First, is to let it be gone. If we have suffered, there will be a temptation to rage, punish, and blame. Let it be over. Second, playing the blame game will prolong the effect of the disease. Everyone was affected and seeking blame and punishment will prolong the suffering. Third, if we focus on growth and healing, we will reach a new equilibrium of joy much faster. Tomorrow, we'll talk about the healing that needs to take place.