Episode 48 - Who Are You?

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, we’ll answer the question, Who Are You? Usually, people respond with their name when someone asks “who are you?” After that, they launch into their profession, as if what they do at this moment for a living is the deciding factor in who they are. This is way to narrow things down, but, at the end of it all - You are a child of God. Starting there, you have infinite potential and capability. You have the seeds of divinity in you and can accomplish anything you want to achieve. A second way to look at identity is how someone would finish this sentence about you. For example, "Oh, yes, Joan, she’s the woman who ...fill in the blank _______________." Third, is the fundamental truth that you create who you are. Minute by minute and act by act. You are your own creator. You are the architect or director of your own life. Tomorrow, we'll talk about Where Are You Going?