Episode 64 - The Right to Choose

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, we will talk about a sacred power that we have and often ignore or abdicate. The right to choose is far more than a concept in government. The right to choose starts with every thought and every word in your mind and heart. It includes every sentence from your lips. Some go through life as a victim. Everything happens to them and everything is somebody else’s fault. That may be a short-term consolation, but it won’t satisfy the seeker for true happiness. Claiming your right to create your own life is the path to happiness. Your right to choose is a divine gift that empowers you to have the life you want, every single day. You are the author of your existence. Thank you for spending time with me, and I hope you enjoy these episodes on Your Ultimate Life. Tomorrow, we'll dig deep and ask the question, "Who Do You Think You Are?" Love and light, Kellan