Episode 65 - Who Do You Think You Are?

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, we discuss a vexing question. Most of the time when I ask people who they think they are, the answers are uncertain and superficial. Why is that? Where does peaceful confidence come from? We see bluster and bravado or we see weakness and fear. Who are you? The truth about who each of is is not up for debate. You are a divine creation, a child of God. Who we THINK we are is the thing that limits our action and creativity. If I believe I am weak and unimportant then I behave that way. The real key is not the debate. It is the choice of action now that we know these truths. Are you going to create from a place of ownership and confidence? The world needs you. Thank you for spending time with me today. Tomorrow, we'll discuss Your Mind - Friend or Foe. Please feel free to share this with anyone you may think may benefit. Love and light, Kellan