Episode 69 - Is Big Cash the Answer

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, we talk about MONEY. The big green. The root of something, often labeled as “evil.” What is money anyway? Simply put, it’s accumulated energy or effort. Tokens you received for past effort. If you have enormous piles of it, does that make you happy? Experience and examples around us say no. Cash does do some things. For example, it facilitates experiences. We can buy things to do or go see. We can buy things to have. It facilitates access to places, people, and opportunities. Cash also creates some powerful illusions. Fantasies of importance. Delusions of grandeur. The point is, ‘cash’ is neutral. It is our attitude towards the pile we have that decides what it is. It can canker the soul or facilitate creation—your choice. Tomorrow, we're going to lay down and bleed - well, not really. We will talk about wishes and desires and what we're willing to achieve what we want or 'desire.' Thank you for joining me today. I hope you found this valuable. As always, if you think any of these episodes may help someone, please share the link. Love and light.