Episode 83 - Your Ultimate Life Purpose

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this episode, we will talk about the “purpose” part of your Ultimate Life. Life without a definite purpose is empty and unrewarding. So where do you get your purpose? Do you dig it up in the yard? Find it at an antique mall? How do we hunt down our life purpose? Purpose is not found. It is created. That means you can start now without waiting until you find something that drives you. Think of how you want to be described. If someone talked about you and said, “yes, Jill, shes the woman who………” What would be in that blank? Do you live in a way that the description would be what you want? Start with action, adjust as needed. You will find your life purpose. Thank you for listening to this episode of Your Ultimate Life. If you like what you hear, and you think someone may benefit, please let them know about this. Tomorrow, we’ll be talking about Your Ultimate Life – Prosperity. Love and light