Episode 93 Honesty - Speak Only Truth

Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger - A podcast by Kellan Fluckiger

In this podcast, we talk about a fundamental piece of the Ultimate Life. Our world today has become one where everything is relative, and the truth is one of the first casualties of every situation. If you live like that, you can’t create a life of Purpose, Prosperity, and Joy. Your heart won’t be in it. We will talk bout the meaning of truth, and how we can be in truth even when we are uncertain of parts of life. Second, we will discover why honesty is such a central part of the life of Joy. You can’t live in joy when you are worried that someone will “find out” about one thing or another. Third, we will learn how to go to a place of honesty, even if you have lived in lies as I did for so long.