64: The Journey from Success to Significance

Your Virtual Upline Podcast - A podcast by Bob Heilig


In this episode we’re going to talk about how to make the shift from success to significance in your network marketing business. When most people start their network marketing business, their initial goal is freedom: financial freedom, lifestyle freedom and time freedom. But if you never grow past that and evolve into something more, you will probably find that this will not be enough to fulfill you. Freedom is not enough.   Everyone has a WHY: a deep-seated purpose, cause or belief that can be a tremendous source of your passion and inspiration. Even if you don’t know what it is or how to express it in words, you have one.   Happiness comes from WHAT we do, fulfillment comes from WHY we do it. We don’t necessarily find happiness in our jobs every day, but we can still feel fulfilled by our work if it makes us feel part of something bigger than ourselves.   There are two ways to prospect. One, you can aimlessly shoot for everyone, hoping that you’ll find something that fits with someone to get them to say yes.   Two, you can prospect with purpose and intention - being clear in your communication and going straight for people that fit your same vision.  When you use the Purpose Drive Prospecting and share your WHY first in a conversation or presentation, you speak directly to your prospects limbic, decision making center of their brain.   We have to stop focusing on money and material things as our end goal in the network marketing business.  We need to shift our focus towards aligning our minds with our hearts, so that we may be the change that we seek in the world.   Head to www.LegacyLeadershipAcademy.com to enroll in the Legacy Leadership Academy.   Hopefully you get a ton of value out of the training, feel free to share the episode with anyone that you think it could help!   How do you like the new format and messaging of the show? Go to iTunes and leave a comment to let me know!