Can this Palestinian Comedian Keep His Dick Hard in the Face of A Fast Talkin' Jew?
You're Welcome w/ Zoe Nightingale - A podcast by Zoe
OH Mo Amer how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Your whip smart story telling, your long camel like eyelashes that are full of sadness, your little kid laugh, he and I met on the Norwegian Princess (maybe that was the name?) Mega Cruise ship, the 10th biggest in the world, that had water slides, rope courses, like 1000 restaurants and was so heavy from the egos of entrepreneurs that I was nervous we would sink. I loved summit, I HAD THE MOST FUN. Second up on my interviews of badass one of a kind humans is MO AMER. I'll let him tell his own story but suffice it to say, we had some magic storytelling chemistry. This interview went on FOR HOURS but i had to cut most of it out because it was innappropriate. I KNOW. I have a line, and I drew it with him. THANK YOU MO!!!!! Check him out OR @REALMOAMER