The Wolf of Williamsburg
You're Welcome w/ Zoe Nightingale - A podcast by Zoe
I have known and loved Zev Eisenberg, half of Brooklyn's infamous Wolf and Lamb music duo for almost a decade. Zev is simply one of the coolest mother fuckers I have ever met. He has the best b.s detector of anyone I know, and is always the first to call me out whenever I do or say something stupid (which is often) I wanted to share his story because I think his journey is of IMMENSE value to anyone who is going through intense sickness or helping someone they love get well. The fact is that while modern medicine has afforded us incredible achievements in the battle against cancer and disease, it is not the only way that one can heal. If you or someone you love is going through this, I would highly recommend seeking out second opinions before you dive head first into the never ending abyss that is western way of dealing with illness. His story is also of great value to me, because today is the first day of my super hardcore very bad no good month long detox cleanse for I too have not been so well. Like any good Brooklynite, I hired a woman who looks like Tinkerbell and has a ultra hyphonated made up hippie name like she was raised by two lesbian art help me get my life back. So I'm sorry that I haven't been around my dear loyal and loving listeners. I promise I will be back to my fighting weight in no time. Wish me luck. I'll let you all know what life without meat, dairy, fun, sugar, gluten, drugs and booze is like in a month. LOVE Z Music: Don't Break It -Zev Eisenberg Last Night a DJ Saved My Life - Indeep Edited by: Emily Brodtman Thank you again to the WHOLE Wolf + Lamb Crew Love family for letting me do my live show in your amazing new Marcy North Hotel. SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU