Why We March For Our Lives

You're Welcome w/ Zoe Nightingale - A podcast by Zoe


The numbers are horrific, the statistics are devastating, the senseless violence and death is incomprehensible, but there is hope. Because teenagers have had enough, and they're finally using the tools they've been given since birth to organize and scream for change. This is everyone's issue. We all have to take the small steps to help secure a safe future for everyone on this planet. Gun drills in schools, no background checks for automatic rifles, massacres happening all around us, it's up to you to keep organizing, keep shouting, keep signing petitions, keep supporting members of congress who protect us. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE. Get up off your tuchus and do whatever you can to drain the mother fing swamp. I am from Washingon, and I know full well how rigged the system is. But we can change it, and for the first time in my life I saw the determination in peoples eyes, and how far people are ready to go to make sure that their children and the future is safe. It's just awe inspiring. Here are links I've found if you want to learn more or donate to gun violence victims: https://www.csgv.org/ (collation to stop gun violence) https://www.gofundme.com/stonemandouglasvictimsfund www.timeforcommonsensegoverment.org www.blacklivesmatter.com https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/stop-the-nra https://www.gofundme.com/cause/stoneman-douglas https://www.nationalpriorities.org/take-action/contact-your-representative/ https://splinternews.com/every-member-of-congress-who-took-money-from-the-nra-an-1823035413