Zerrspiegel 1/2017: electronica// hip hop// indie// feminism #9

zerrspiegel - A podcast by Antje Meichsner


Playlist: //Electronica// Cherushii: Nightsteps Milena Kriegs: Eremitorium Stephanie Merchak: Beware The Monsters FOQL: I can't believe I still have to protest this shit Borusiade: Jeopardy Dgeral: Untitle Juliane Wolf: Acid Girl Toyah Hoetzel: Take Me Lydia Eisenblätter: Find Me Dark Answer: Catchy Catch Hyenaz: Born From Death Jana Irmert: Bagful Jessy Lanza: Going Somewhere O/RIOH: BOi //Rap// Okzharp und Manthe Ribane: Teleported BadKat: Short Term Impact Lena Stöhrfaktor: Seeräuber Lena - Das Brückenmassaker form: Ich reflektiere meine Privilegien Kitty: Marijuana DeFranzy: Druckstaueffekt //Indie// Sarah Walk: Wake Me Up Laurel: Hurricane Janine A' Bear: Hearts Find Ways To Bind Painting By Numbers: Fremder Stern

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