Bernadine Bröcker Wieder - On The Forefront of Art & Tech - Zima Red ep 106

Zima Red - A podcast by Andrew Steinwold


My guest today is Bernadine Brocker Wieder. Bernadine is the founder of Vastari & Vastari Labs. Vastari is focused on helping the traditional art world showcase art globally via museums, exhibitions and more. Vastari Labs is the web3 focused arm that acts as the bridge between the traditional art world and the metaverse. Bernadine has deep experience in the art world and has always been looking toward how to utilize technology to improve art since day 1. During our conversation we cover Bernadine's impressive background, the current state of the global art market, how NFTs are impacting the art world and even topics like how art is valued. For everyone that wants to learn about the intersection of art and technology, this is the episode for you. Please enjoy my conversation with Bernadine