n0shot - Changing The Paradigm Of Art - Zima Red ep. 14

Zima Red - A podcast by Andrew Steinwold

My guest today is n0shot, co-founder of Async Art.  n0shot and his other co-founders are transforming the art world by enabling artists to create programmable artwork. The artwork launched on their platform can change in real-time and actually react to outside events. Talk about the next evolution of the art game. Speaking with n0shot I got the sense that he is the perfect person to help lead this endeavor. Programmable art requires both analytical and creative skills working in unison and he seems to have them both locked down. Our conversation does not only touch upon the traditional art world but also how digitization is unlocking the boundless creativity of artists to create more immersive experiences. Please enjoy my conversation with n0shot. Async Art - https://async.art/ Async Twitter - https://twitter.com/AsyncArt n0shot Twitter - https://twitter.com/n0shot1