Sarah Meyohas - Creating Bitchcoin, NFTs Before NFTs in 2015 - Zima Red ep 100
Zima Red - A podcast by Andrew Steinwold

Today is a special episode because not only do we have one of the most OG artists who created NFTs before NFTs even existed, but it is also the 100th episode of Zima Red! When I started this in 2019 I had no expectations on doing this for over a few months and now, 2 years later, I am looking forward to keeping this up for the next decade. So incredibly happy to be able to talk to the smartest and hardest working people in the NFT world and enable everyone to learn alongside me. Alright enough of that, let's get to Sarah. My guest today is Sarah Meyohas. As mentioned before, Sarah is a legend. A creative with a financial background, she has been on the forefront of art and tech since her college days and in 2015 she created an amazing project called Bitchcoin. With a deep interest in bitcoin she understood that there had to be some sort of mechanism to combine art and the blockchain - today that revelation is obvious but back in 2015 it had never really been done before. Launched on her own blockchain, Bitchcoin was created as an artistic experiment and expression and of art, feminism and finance. What I find extremely fascinating is that Sarah “revived” and ported over roughly 3,300 Bitchcoins to Ethereum in 2021 so they could live forever, as the blockchain she originally created was no longer operating. A unique method to preserve these historical asset that exists entirely in digital form. This conversation had it all - an incredible creative and innovator who shares her deep passion for art, finance and technology. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did. Please enjoy my conversation with Sarah.