ZC 111 - Top 3 Things to Improve Your PPC Performance

Zon Con Podcast - A podcast by Andrew Erickson


Szymon Sekski is back again with another episode full of tips and tricks and today you’ll learn about the top 3 keys in order to improve PPC campaign performance. Top 3 Tips To Improve PPC Keyword Bleeders Top of Search and Adjustment Stimulating Your Impressions 3 Metrics/KPIs I use for my PPC ACoS - Advertising Cost of Sales, is how much you spend on advertising per dollar of revenue you make. TACoS - Total advertising cost of sale, measures the relationship between ad spend and total sales. Ratio - How many of the sales coming from PPC and how many are coming from organic search or non-PPC sales. Connect with Szymon www.amzguardian.com Email: [email protected] Book you FREE Strategy Session Now Click Here Helium10 is our favorite tool for Amazon sellers. Use ZonCon10 for 10% off for life!! https://crushtrk.com/?a=1204&c=188&p=r&s1=