Bonus: The Lost Tapes, Pt. I

Zora's Daughters - A podcast by Zora's Daughters


Brendane and Alyssa are on Fall Break this week! We'll be back on November 11 with a brand-new episode; in the meantime, listen to our full review of You Belong to Me: Sex, Race, and Murder in the South (2014) and the way the documentary perpetuates the same issue of silencing Black women it purports to solve. CW: sexual abuse, victim blaming, intimate partner violence. If you'd like more of your fix of Zora's Daughters, check us out on Field Initiatives' Field Stories where we discuss being Black women in our research fields and the field of anthropology! Thanks for your support, and if you liked what you heard please donate here! Don't forget to follow us @zorasdaughters on Instagram and @zoras_daughters on Twitter. Speak soon!