Air Traffic Out Of Control

A podcast by Amy Tango Charlie Media


214 Episodes

  1. ATOOC: Wind Problems at ABIA

    Published: 3/6/2025
  2. ATOOC: Delta Crash Landing at YYZ

    Published: 2/24/2025
  3. ATOOC: January 29th Crash Near DCA

    Published: 1/30/2025
  4. ATOOC: Hazy Student Over San Bernadino

    Published: 1/24/2025
  5. ATOOC: Don't Mess with the EWR Tower

    Published: 1/21/2025
  6. ATOOC: Snow Wreaking Havoc at ATL

    Published: 1/19/2025
  7. ATOOC: Near Collision at PHX

    Published: 1/17/2025
  8. ATOOC: Nice Little Stroll at LGA

    Published: 1/15/2025
  9. ATOOC: TCAS Going Crazy at SFO

    Published: 11/27/2024
  10. ATOOC: Heavy Duty Concerns at JFK

    Published: 11/25/2024
  11. ATOOC: Fire Down Under

    Published: 11/15/2024

    Published: 11/14/2024
  13. ATOOC: Rogue Chopper Over NYC

    Published: 11/11/2024
  14. ATOOC: Fight Breaks Out Over Alabama

    Published: 11/10/2024
  15. ATOOC: Low Fuel Incident at Palo Alto

    Published: 11/6/2024
  16. ATOOC: Mo' Lightning Mo' Problems

    Published: 11/4/2024
  17. ATOOC: Blackjack Maneuvers at DCA

    Published: 10/30/2024
  18. ATOOC: Massive Fuel Leak at JFK

    Published: 10/13/2024
  19. ATOOC: Big Bird and Laser at DEN

    Published: 10/4/2024
  20. ATOOC: (Maybe) Leaving Las Vegas

    Published: 9/22/2024

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Air Traffic Out Of Control brings you the wildest air traffic control recordings you will ever hear from airports around the world. Emergency landings, stolen planes and even sightings of guys in jetpacks...we've got it all right from the control tower to your headphones!