Amigos Retro Gaming Network - Amigos: Everything Amiga / ARG Presents / Sprite Castle / Pixel Gaiden

A podcast by Amigos Retro Gaming

1179 Episodes

  1. Venture into the RISKY WOODS! Amigos: Everything Amiga Episode 445

    Published: 3/23/2024
  2. Knight Lore paved the way for isometric ZX games..but is it any good?! - Our Sinclair 106

    Published: 3/18/2024
  3. Core Designs LAST Amiga Game - Skeleton Crew Reviewed | Amigos: Everything Amiga 444

    Published: 3/16/2024
  4. Pixel Gaiden - Episode 126 - F1 Racing And Guns, Guns, Guns! + Battle Of The Systems 16 Bit Ninja Games

    Published: 3/15/2024
  5. Sprite Castle 090 - Pogo Joe

    Published: 3/13/2024
  6. Let's get DIRTY! Join Amigo Aaron and THE BRENT for GAMES ABOUT DIRT on ARG Presents 289!

    Published: 3/11/2024
  7. A-Train - The Most Complex Sim on the Amiga?

    Published: 3/9/2024
  8. Space Wrek warps past the original Star Trek Arcade?!? It's the CoCo Show 51!

    Published: 3/4/2024
  9. Kikstart II - Does the Amiga accelerate past the C64 version? Amigos: Everything Amiga 442

    Published: 3/2/2024
  10. Pixel Gaiden - Episode 125 - Is The Playdate Crank A Gimmick? + 6 Good Games To Play On The Spectrum Next

    Published: 2/29/2024
  11. The Faery Tale Adventure - The Definitive Review! Amigos: Everything Amiga 441

    Published: 2/27/2024
  12. Funny Games - Poker Night 2 and Fox Hunt - Join DEM BOYS for some laughs..we hope! ARG Presents 288

    Published: 2/26/2024
  13. It's BAGGERS IN SPACE on the Speccy NEXT! We look at the NEXT and more - Our Sinclair 105

    Published: 2/21/2024
  14. Lemmings - A complete review of the definitive Amiga puzzle game. Amigos: Everything Amiga 440

    Published: 2/17/2024
  15. Pixel Gaiden - Episode 124 - Our Origin Stories + War Room (Colecovision) vs. Bomb Squad (Intellivision)

    Published: 2/16/2024
  16. It's the MEMOTECH MTX COMPUTER - Nemo and Obliteration Zone - ARG Presents 287

    Published: 2/12/2024
  17. Pew Pew Pleasure! Laser Gates | 1200XL An Atari 8 bit Podcast Episode 21

    Published: 2/7/2024
  18. It's Ghouls N Ghosts on the Speccy! Hard as coffin nails & DEADLY as the grave - Our Sinclair 104

    Published: 2/4/2024
  19. Indianapolis 500 - The Amiga's Crown Jewel of Racing? Amigos: Everything Amiga 439

    Published: 2/3/2024
  20. Pixel Gaiden - Episode 123 - Fun With Floaters + 6 Good Bomberman Style Games

    Published: 1/30/2024

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Amigos Retro Gaming is a conversational, congenial series of podcasts about the computers and consoles of your youth. Includes Amigos: Everything Amiga, ARG Presents, Sprite Castle, and Pixel Gaiden! Amigos: Everything Amiga - ARG Presents - Sprite Castle - Pixel Gaiden -