CadaverCast: A Monster Movie Podcast

A podcast by CadaverCast


161 Episodes

  1. 99 - Who the Al is ANNABELLE?

    Published: 4/25/2020
  2. 98 - Edge Of Tomorrow (2014)

    Published: 4/12/2020
  3. 97 - Munster, Go Home (1966) & The Munsters' Revenge (1981)

    Published: 3/28/2020
  4. 96 - Who the Al is BLACK PHILLIP (from THE VVITCH)?

    Published: 3/15/2020
  5. 95 - House of Wax (1953)

    Published: 2/28/2020
  6. 94 - What the Al is THE STUFF?

    Published: 2/16/2020
  7. 93 - The Car (1977)

    Published: 1/25/2020
  8. 92 - Who the Al is PHANTASM's THE TALL MAN... for real?

    Published: 1/11/2020
  9. 91 - Who the Al is HANNIBAL LECTER?

    Published: 12/31/2019
  10. 90 - Scrooged (1988)

    Published: 12/21/2019
  11. 89 - Who the Al is PUPPET MASTER?

    Published: 11/30/2019
  12. 88 - Son Of Godzilla (1967)

    Published: 11/16/2019
  13. 87 - Who the Al is HALLOWEEN's MICHAEL MYERS?

    Published: 10/26/2019
  14. 86 - Night of the Living Dead (1968)

    Published: 10/20/2019
  15. 85 - Al's Monster Stampede: Haunted Houses

    Published: 10/12/2019
  16. 84 - Al's Top 5 Spookiest Movies

    Published: 10/5/2019
  17. 83 - Gamera vs. Viras (1968)

    Published: 9/29/2019
  18. 82 - Who the Al is GHOSTFACE?

    Published: 9/14/2019
  19. 81 - Al's Monster Stampede: Sharks

    Published: 8/31/2019
  20. 80 - Son of Frankenstein (1939)

    Published: 8/17/2019

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A Silver Bolo Award-winning, family-friendly monster movie podcast. 13-year-old Al and CadaverDad Jef Burnham discuss getting cinematically spooked and (in Al's Monster Stampede) how to stay safe should you find yourself trapped in a horror movie! Also, follow us on Twitter (@Cadaver_Cast) and Facebook (@CadaverCast), and subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts so you don't ever have to miss an episode! "The coolest, most adorable podcast I've ever heard!" -Korina C.