Changelog News

A podcast by Changelog Media - Mondays



126 Episodes

  1. OkSo, Markdown generator speeds, Egr Mgr framework, Crockford says retire JS & messy code not required

    Published: 8/1/2022
  2. Soft deletion, obscure data structures, driving away your best engineers, a blog platform for hackers & moar RSS

    Published: 7/25/2022
  3. Spicy designs, more open source opinions, privacy-focused services, the real cost of context switching & jqq

    Published: 7/18/2022
  4. Bun, K8s is a red flag, "critical" open source packages, Rustlings & FP jargon in simple terms

    Published: 7/11/2022
  5. DevTool platform types, things to know about databases, starting with commas, Lobsters turns 10 & Upptime

    Published: 7/5/2022
  6. Markwhen, Tauri 1.0, SLCs & imposters

    Published: 6/27/2022

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Developer news worth your attention. Brief, entertaining & always on point. The software world moves fast. Keep up the easy way with Changelog News. Every Monday, Jerod Santo brings you the software news you absolutely need to know about, without the fluff.